Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Sunshine Yellow

Hello everyone,

I was happy to be able to pick
my first bouquet from our
spring garden yesterday.

They make me smile!

I love the cherry yellow of our
early daffodils.

The teapot was a gift from my
husband several years ago.
 it is a Royal Elfreda
Blushing Beauty.

Every day now the garden moves
forward bit by bit.

A pretty Rose Cameo Peach
teacup by Royal Albert.

This Aynsley teacup was one
of my Mom's collection.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Tea Time

Hello everyone,

I hope your spring is going well.
It was cold here on the weekend
but the snow is all gone and the
grass is getting green.
There are some early blooms here
in the garden now.
Our pond has a pair of Canada
geese nesting and also a pair of
We have lots to do in the garden
this time of year so I have been
even more absent here than usual.

The vintage tea set above is
River Scenes ironstone made
in England.

So, today I am sharing a few of
my teapots. I seem to have collected
a lot of pretty teapots over the years.
The chintz teapot above is 
Royal Cotswolds.

This tea set is Edwardian.

The pretty bouquet is faux
but it works for me until my
own roses bloom in the garden
once again.

This pretty little teapot was a
gift to me.
It is a Paragon.~ Evangeline.
Made in England.

A Sadler tea pot also made in England.

Country Rose by Skye McGhie tea set.

I am looking forward to tea in the
garden when it warms up a
little more.

Thank you for visiting me today,
I am so glad you haven't given
up on me yet!

Take care,


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter

                                                              Happy Easter!

                                        I hope you are having a wonderful Easter



Monday, April 4, 2022

My Indoor Garden

Hello everyone,

Here on the Island  winter does
not want to let go just yet as
we are getting several inches
of snow.

The good news is it will melt soon
into the ground and there is lots
of perennials poking up.....
more and more each day.

So for now I will enjoy my little
indoor garden.

A lemon scented geranium has
lots of dainty blooms and the
leaves are very fragrant.

I have had this statue for many years
now and she adds charm to the
library where these plants
enjoy the southern light.

Did you notice my new blue chintz teacup
and the dark blue teapot(a gift from
my sister in law).

It is a hearty soup kind of a
day here today and I have
a batch of scones in the oven.

Looking forward to some
spring weather though...soon!

Thanks for visiting me,


Saturday, April 2, 2022

Shades of Purple

Welcome April !

I am always happy to welcome April
as the days are longer and the garden
is showing lots of signs of life. Also,
I love seeing more songbirds in the
garden......Oh! good things are

                                                          Shades of purple are the theme of
                                                          the day. Right now we are still in
                                                           the brown(mud) phase of the year
                                                          so I am craving color.

A splash of color

I love purple /blue in the garden

I can't wait to set up the porch for
spring again.

Of course I have to have some
purple transferware. I don't
see it often around here but
I always snap it up when I do.

Before we know it, lupin season
will be here. I love going for a
drive and seeing it growing wild
along our country roads.

Who doesn't love a bouquet of
lilacs.....I know I do!

I will end with a cup of tea in
the sunroom.

I hope you enjoy the rest of
your weekend!

Thanks for visiting,
