Thursday, October 24, 2019

Random Bits

Hello again,

It is another beautiful sunny warm day
here and I am happy to say that my husband
 and I have finished our garden cleanup.
It is always a good feeling to get it done
before the cold weather sets in.
Anyway, I was looking through some
of my photos and saw these shots of our
kitchen at Ocean Song Cottage that we
did a bit of a makeover on in the last year
or so.....anew window,countertop,sink,and
some new to us cupboards

We are still doing little projects here at a more leisurely pace
while we enjoy our time here.

Yesterday, I found these pretty vintage dishes
at the thrift store


I love this pretty gift bag that came with some 
lovely tea treats......thanks Barbara!

I cut a small bouquet of hydrangeas from
one of my shrubs yesterday .They have
taken on their fall colors

I couldn't resist playing with my
pretty new china for awhile

I am not sure yet if I will use them
or display them on a wall

Well, it is so lovely out here I think I
will so for a sea glass hunt before the
season for my walks on the beach
comes to a close for another year

Thanks for your visit today .

Take care,

Monday, October 21, 2019

Autumn Beauty

Hello everyone,

What an amazing day we had here today.....
sunny and warm perfect for our fall
garden cleanup.

It would have been perfect for a fall picnic as well
but alas duty calls.
The picnic above was from a few years ago.

We often pass by this beautiful farmhouse going
to and from our home and cottage.
It looks especially pretty with fall foliage and
a reflection in the water.

Last week on our trip down east I took
these  photos that show the beauty of
autumn on the Island.

Before starting our fall cleanup in the garden
I took a few shots of the autumn beauty in
our garden.
It was a pleasure to be out there enjoying the
beautiful day as we cut down all the
perennials in the beds and hauled the top
foliage to the compost pile.
So far, this year we have not had a killing
frost so even the annuals are still
looking good in pots etc.
Last year by this time we had a hard
frost already.

This was taken last year on one of our walks
through the woods.

Our pond has taken on it's fall colors too.

Well that is a little peek at some of the 
beauty that we are enjoying here now.
I want to make the most of it as all too
soon the leaves will fall and we will
be into November~ time flies doesn't it!

Thank you for visiting,


Friday, October 18, 2019

Autumn on the Island

                                                           Hello everyone,

                                                 I hope you had a good week.We are
                                                 our beautiful autumn foliage colors
                                                 here on the Island.
                                                    So, my husband and I took a few
                                                 afternoon drives in the country to
                                                 enjoy the beauty of the Island in all
                                                 it's autumn splendor.
One beautiful afternoon we took
a drive down east. This shot was
taken in Montague.

Knox's Dam is always a beautiful
place to go in any season
but especially fall and winter
after a fresh snowfall.
I love how the house blends so well
with the beautiful surroundings.

It was a beautiful sunny and calm day.

I have more photos to share
of other areas that we enjoyed
but hopefully another day.

Hope you are enjoying the beauty
of nature in your area as well.

We have started our fall garden
cleanup so another season in
the garden is coming to a close.

Have a lovely weekend!


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Vintage China

     Happy Weekend!

It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so
we are looking forward to our family coming
for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner on Monday.

Although it is raining here today we have had some
beautiful weather this week and the fall foliage colors
are probably at their peek right now.
I went on  a couple of beautiful country drives
this week with my camera so I hope to share some
fall photos soon.
Today though, I am sharing a few new to me
vintage china teacups that I bought at the
70 mile coastal yardsale.

                                                                               It seems teacups are hard for me to resist
                                                                                especially when they are just a few dollars
                                                                                at yard sales or thrift stores.

I really like the colors of this one.
The vintage tea tin was also a find.

Do you collect vintage china as well?

So now it is time for a cup of tea and some oatmeal scones
~ you can pick your favorite vintage tea cup.

Blessings to my Canadian friends this Thanksgiving
weekend and  I hope to be back soon with my
fall road trip photos.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Sunday, October 6, 2019

Ocean Song Cottage Blues

         Hello everyone,

We are still enjoying our little Ocean Song
Cottage  by the sea but we will
soon have to close it up for the winter.

I gave the bed a warmer look by adding
a new blue cover and some new pillows.
I made the two big pillows from a pretty
striped blue and white turkish towel.

The warm navy throw is from Ikea.

This is my consession that summer is
over and fall has arrived!

Today was such a beautiful sunny day so
the sun was streaming in our little bed nook.

The bedspread is a vintage thrift find.

I love using my blue and white china.
They look pretty drying in the rack.

I hope you have a wonderful week and
thank you for stopping by today.

Take care,