Sunday, December 29, 2019

Remnants of Christmas

           Hello everyone,

   Well, another Christmas Day has come and
   gone. We had a lovely Christmas here with
all our family.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as

                                                     I set up a small table in our porch
                                                     for our six younger grandchildren.
                                                      I used these pretty reindeer plates
                                                      with the red and white placemats
                                                      for their table......simple but pretty.

                                                             I didn't get a chance to take pics
                                                              of the grown ups tables when they
                                                              were all set but they were very
                                                              similar to last year.
The dining area of our kitchen
has most of my red and white
 transferware dishes.

We did have a white Christmas here this year
as you can see from the pics above and below
taken a couple of days before Christmas.

                                                  Well, I think we will have some
                                                  remnants of Christmas around
                                                  here for awhile as I am still
                                                  loving it!
                                                     I am looking forward to seeing
                                                  the new version of Little Women
                                                  although I think it will be hard to
                                                  beat the last one. Have any of you
                                                  seen it yet?

                                                                Hope you can all relax and
                                                                enjoy the rest of the Christmas



Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas!


                                                                 Merry Christmas!

                                   I just wanted to wish you all a wonderful Christmas
                                   with all the blessings of the season. I hope we all take
                                   time to remember the reason for the season and relax
                                   and enjoy time with family and friends.

                                                             Josh Groban sings O Holy Night


Merry Christmas ,

              Love and blessings,


Please enjoy one of my favorite Christmas songs

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Winter White in the Boathouse

                           Hello everyone,

Today I am sharing some pics of our
little boathouse all decked out in
winter white.

                                                 The nook looks snug and cozy
                                                with a furry white throw and pillows.
                                                There is a nice coat of fresh white
                                                 snow outdoors.


I have shared most of these
photos a few years ago but
I am sure most of you have
not seen them.

Tea in bed anyone?

Candles always add a touch of

A winter white tea

The conservatory at the back is
small but filled with light.

I love the rusty old chandelier
in the conservatory. I put
candles on it for more light.

More candles

                                                   The Boathouse was built by my
                                                    husband and son by our pond.

                                                        A good coat of snow makes
                                                        it look so pretty in winter.

                                                           The old door came from a church
                                                            and I gave it a coat of paint.
                                                             Hope you enjoyed a fresh look
                                                             at the Boathouse all decked out
                                                             in winter white..

                                                              I am looking forward to tea at my
                                                              friends house today.

                                                                       Hope you have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas Vignettes

                                                                      Hello everyone,

                                                          Christmas is almost here......are
                                                         you all ready or like me do
                                                          you still some baking etc. to do?

                               Christmas touches in our library

                                                            This is a favorite photo from a
                                                             few years ago. As of today we have
                                                             no snow here so it could be a green
                                                             Christmas here this year.

Winter is beautiful to me....well most days

              Inside and out .....beautiful on snowy
         winter days!

I love making collages so
I have hundreds on my computer.
This is one from a few years ago.
I love the old sleigh but it has since
fallen apart on me.

I didn't share the other side of our little
Boathouse in my post about it so just
a quick peek at it now.
If you missed the earlier posts
on the rest of the Boathouse
you will find them here and here.

                  A little bit of blue for  these
          Christmas vignettes.

        I hope to have a couple more posts before
Christmas  but just in case I will
    wish you all a Merry Christmas now
and hope to see you soon!


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Red & White Christmas in the Kitchen

                                                             Happy weekend!
                                        It seems like December is speeding by
                                        and before we know it Christmas will be
                                            I am still enjoying putting some Christmas
                                         touches here and there in our home but mostly
                                         just enjoying the cozy ambiance.

Our kitchen/dining room has  my collection
of red and white transferware china all year
so it only takes a few little touches of greenery
and mini lights to five it a festive look.

Little details

I love this little cup and
saucer holder for displaying
my china.

A few bits of greenery added
to my shelf displaying some
        of my red and white transferware
and I am all set .

Transferware platters with small trees
and a Christmas Blessings wooden rope.

                                           Well just a little peak at a few Christmas
                                                     touches in our kitchen.

                                                            I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Rustic Fireside Tea

           Hello everyone,

We went from very mild weather to a cold
but sunny day here today.

After, our walk it was nice to come
back indoors and have a hot cup of
tea by the fireside.

Our family room has a more rustic look
now as we replaced our old fireplace
with a large propane stove a couple of
years ago and we added the rustic pine
boards to the wall behind.

Our summer cottage is all white so
having a warm rustic look in our
family room gives us a cozy place
to enjoy on cold winter days for a change.

I love the old snowshoes that
     I bought at a yardsale a few years ago.

Sheep sugar cookies and a cup
of tea by the fireside with my
blue and white transferware.

Plaids and furry throws to
cozy up in.

We got a bit of snow again after
the rain we had a few days ago.
My planters look so much
better with a little snow on
       the evergreens and winter berries.
Hope to be back soon with more
Christmas  pics.

My husband and I took a trip to
Quebec City last week to enjoy
all the beautiful Christmas  decor
in Old I will share
a few pics of our trip as well.

Hope you are enjoying the season!
