Hello everyone,
Christmas is almost here......are
you all ready or like me do
you still some baking etc. to do?
This is a favorite photo from a
few years ago. As of today we have
no snow here so it could be a green
Christmas here this year.

Christmas is almost here......are
you all ready or like me do
you still some baking etc. to do?
Christmas touches in our library
This is a favorite photo from a
few years ago. As of today we have
no snow here so it could be a green
Christmas here this year.
Winter is beautiful to me....well most days
Inside and out .....beautiful on snowy
winter days!
I love making collages so
I have hundreds on my computer.
This is one from a few years ago.
I love the old sleigh but it has since
fallen apart on me.
I didn't share the other side of our little
Boathouse in my post about it so just
a quick peek at it now.
If you missed the earlier posts
on the rest of the Boathouse
A little bit of blue for these
Christmas vignettes.
I hope to have a couple more posts before
Christmas but just in case I will
wish you all a Merry Christmas now
and hope to see you soon!

d on the kansas prairie
This post has one awesome shot after another in it.
Your vignettes at Christmastime are always so lovely, Carolyn. Everything is note card perfect.
I especially love all the snow you have - makes it so VERY Christmas-y!!
Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year to you and yours.
Love your vignettes! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and your family from our farm! I covet your sleigh and found a great one at an antique sale but unfortunately my husband refused to endorse the purchase so I had to leave it there. :( I am wishing you just enough snow to make everything look festive!
As always, your photos are both soothing and inspiring. Love them all! As for the sleigh, if you still have the runners I can see another project in the making for your menfolk. It'd be well worth the effort. A belated Merry Christmas, and may the year to come be a very blessed one.
Hi Cindy,
Thank for your lovely comment and I would love to hear your idea for the runners as we still have them.
Hope your Christmas was lovely.
Hi Carolyn, this is such a wonderful post. Looks magical. I love Christmas! Thank you!
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