Saturday, March 22, 2025

Garden Bouquets

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying these early days 
of spring. I am happy to see life in the garden
again as I do my daily rounds to see the what
has poked up overnight. I am amazed at how
quickly the snow left and daffodils,tulips and 
some perennials are growing. Also, our pond
is rapidly opening up and our pair of Canada
 Geese have returned. So much to look forward
I am sharing some garden bouquets to brighten
your day.

Lupin bouquet

Therese Bugnet hardy roses

Who doesn't love a bouquet of roses even
if they are not from the garden.

Lilacs and tulips

soon it will be time for our lilacs
to bloom here again.

Lilacs and lupins make a pretty combo.

                                                     Peonies are an all time favorite.

Sunshine and daffodils

Lilacs and transferware

Wishing you all a happy spring!

Take care,


homesweethome said...

So very beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Esther

lala said...

Beautiful arrangements! So looking forward to gardening after this snowy Connecticut winter!

Lauren S said...

Such a lovely photos. Can't wait until things start blooming in my garden.

Bernideen said...

And we feel like we can SMELL THEM too! Divine....

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Gorgeous flowers and arrangements Carolyn! Blessings on your week. xo