Friday, March 14, 2025

Random Garden Shots

Hello everyone,

I am finally back again to share some past 
beauty in the garden.
Spring is just around the corner so I have 
been enjoying looking over the years of
some garden shots.

                                                         Going green here.

                                                              Breakfast in the terrace

                                                        A bit of shabby chic in the terrace

                                                       Just a bit of random shots that I took
                                                       in our garden over the years.
                                                         Right now we still have some snow but
                                                       I think it will be gone in the next few days,
                                                       so good things will be happening soon!

                                                                  Hope you are doing well and 
                                                                  Thank you for stopping by.

                                                                                       Take care,

1 comment:

Lauren S said...

Loved seeing your beautiful gardens. Have missed seeing your posts,