Friday, May 31, 2019

Happy Friday!

I went out to the garden this
morning and picked a beautiful
bouquet  of tulips for my
indoor bouquet......always
makes my tea time better!

Love the different hues of pinks
and purples.
My hydrangea is still in the sunroom
but I will soon bring it outdoors
and slowly harden it off......don't
want it to get a sunor wind burn.

Just a few bits of beauty today but
I will be back soon with a peek
into our little bunkhouse at the
cottage after a bit of a makeover.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Can you believe it is June already.....
my favorite month of the year as the
Island comes into all it's lush and
green beauty!
Take care,

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Late May in our Garden

          Well spring has finally arrived
            here and so the garden is filling
       in more and more each day.
             The weather has finally warmed
              up and there is lots of gardening
going on.

                                                         I thought I would share a few collages
                                                         of some of the spring colors in our garden
                                                         We have lots of different varieties
                                                          od daffodils in the garden.
                                                            The hillside garden is ablaze with
                                        Loving all the bright and cheerful colors
       after a long winter.

            Our small enclosed garden is my
      favorite place to be this time
of the year.
                      One of our daughters has been helping
                        me in the garden and when I offered her
                      some new plants she jokingly said she
                                 was going home to rip out some of her plants
                            in case it spread to the size of ours ha! ha!
                                        She seems to think there is back breaking work to
                                   the spring garden! I noticed she happily took
                                 some new plant divisions home today though
                so I think she sees the beauty too!

                             Thanks for visiting,

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Pink Hydrangea Tea

                                                               Hello everyone,

                                                  I hope your week is going well.
                                                  It is damp windy and chilly here so
                                                  I am indoors today enjoying a cup
                                                  of tea by the fire. Thankfully, the
                                                  weather is looking much better
                                                  for the rest of the week.

             A pretty bouquet always
makes me happy.

    As does pretty china.

                                                        I found this chintz English
                                                        teapot recently and had to
                                                       add it to my collection of
                                                       teapots. It is pretty don't
                                                       you think? It is called Royal
                                                       Cotswolds in the English Tradition
                                                        by J Godinger.

     I am looking forward to getting
back into the garden with some
      sunshine and warmer temperatures
     though. Hopefully, I can have my
tea in the garden soon.

Thank you for visiting,


Saturday, May 18, 2019

Lilac Favs

                   Happy weekend!

                  I hope you enjoy a beautiful weekend.
                  Not sure what your weather is like but
                     here on the Island (PEI) it is staying cool
                          and rainy for the most part and I am looking
                  forward to better weather soon...I hope!
               In the meantime though the garden is
                       coming along and I see lots of flower buds
                on our lilac bushes so good things are

So, while I wait I enjoyed a look
back at some photos I took in
previous years of our garden

                   Lilacs in our garden

                                                           Pretty lilacs and beautiful
                                                           mauve transferware.

                A beautiful lilac bouquet with
my antique china.

        More lilacs in the garden

A beautiful bouquet of lilacs in an
antique cocoa pot on our screened
porch with the antique quilt.

Another big bouquet in a pretty

                                                                    A collage of  lilac bouquets
                                                      Over the years we have planted many
                                                      different varieties of lilacs all with
                                                      a lovely fragrance.
The lilacs behind me are Preston Lilacs
which bloom after the French Lilacs so
it extends the season. They are also
very fragrant but different from
the French ones.

        A sink full of lilacs getting
ready for bouquets.

                                                   You can see why I am looking
                                                   forward to lilacs season again,
                                                   coming soon!
                                                          Each day there are more blooms
                                                    in the garden as the spring bulbs are
                                                    putting on their show happy to
                                                    have some color in the garden and blooms
                                                    for bouquets again.

                                                                       Enjoy your weekend!


Saturday, May 11, 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

                                       Happy Mother's Day!

                                         I hope you are enjoying your
                                        weekend and a happy Mother's
                   Day to all Mom's.

                                                  I hope you all enjoy an afternoon tea

                              and a beautiful bouquet of flowers

Beautiful pink peonies and vintage
 china area few of my favorite things.


We are enjoying some sunshine at the cottage
this evening after a rainy day.
I had a little visit to a
couple of garden centres
this afternoon.....always
fun to pick up a few new
things for the garden.

Thank you for visiting,


Thursday, May 9, 2019

Cottage by the Sea

     Welcome to my daughter's little
cottage by the sea.
I think I mentioned before that
my daughter and her family
bought the cottage next to
ours and fixed it up into
the little charmer it is

         So, I thought you might enjoy
         a little peek inside.

                                                           I love the soft aqua blue and
                                                           white colors they went with......
                                                           much better then the dark colors
                                                           it was when they bought it!

                                                         I made the pillows from fabric
                                                         from Fabricville in Halifax as
                                                         we no longer have one here.

        The loveseat ,coffeetable and throw
all came from Ikea in Halifax.
The aqua striped rug is from

                                                Just a little peek today but I will
                                                         do another tour of it soon.

                                                                    Thank you for all your
                                                                    visits and nice comments
                                                                    on my previous post on
                                                                    my Victoria Cottage Style

                                                                                 Take care,