Friday, November 30, 2018

Red and White Transferware Display in the Kitchen

                                                                           Good morning,

                                                          We had a very windy day here yesterday
                                                         knocking out power for much of the
                                                         Maritimes including us for over 16 hours.
                                                          Fortunately we are back on now but
                                                         thousands are not. It isn't even winter yet
                                                         and already we have had a few storms with
                                                         school closures etc.
                                                             I took a few shots of some of my red and
                                                         white transferware in the kitchen to share
                                                         with you today.

                                                                   I am still adding little touches
                                                                   of Christmas throughout the

                                                            As many of you know I have been
                                                            collecting red and white transferware
                                                            for many years often one piece at a time.

This IKEA lantern adds a touch
of Christmas.

For a better look at my red and white transferware
in the cupboards on the other side of the kitchen
you can go here and for a pretty tablescape
check it out here.

Thank you for visiting!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Reflections on Mahone Bay

                                                                          Hello everyone,

                                                             I hope your week is going well.
                                                             My husband and I just got back
                                                             from a little holiday in Nova Scotia.
                                                             We spent a few days in Mahone Bay
                                                             and enjoyed their Father Christmas
                                                             Festival . Mahone Bay is a beautiful
                                                             friendly little town on the south shore
                                                             of Nova Scotia and only a 4 1/2 drive
                                                             from our home.
                                                             It was fun to meet up with our friends
                                                             from NFLD there and enjoy cosy evening
                                                             visits by the fire in our charming Creative
                                                             Retreat found here on airbnb.

                                                                These three churches on the bay are
                                                                so beautiful. I especially love the
                                                                reflection in the bay and I was delighted
                                                                to have a dusting of snow for our last
                                                                morning there.

                                                                Across the bay from the shops and

                                                                       I have always loved this shingled cottage/home
                                                                       and look how pretty it is reflected in the water
                                                                       with a fresh dusting of snow.

                                                                        There was lone sailboat out
                                                                        in the bay.
                                                               Driving around the bay you come to
                                                               Mader's Cove with beautiful views
                                                               of the bay.

                                                             Everywhere we looked there was
                                                              breathtaking beauty.

                                                     I have more photos to share and the
                                                                good news is it is not too late to take
                                                                in the Father Christmas Festival as it
                                                                is on again this weekend.There are lots
                                                                of activities,bake sales,house tours etc.
                                                                   I hope you enjoyed some reflections on
                                                                 the beautiful Mahone Bay.

                                                                                       Thanks for visiting,


Friday, November 23, 2018

Christmas Transferware Vignette

Hello everyone,

I am still making my way around 
our home adding little Christmas
Touches here and there.

    In our library I changed out the desk for this
cabinet and the desk is in the hall where
this cabinet was......makes sense right?
Remember my mother always said
a change is as good as a rest!
Anyway, I love my red transferware
displayed on top of it with a few 
Christmas touches.

Mason Vista red and white transferware
is a favorite of mine.

                                            I hope all my American friends had a lovely
                                                       Thanksgiving Day! I am sure it will be full
                                                        steam ahead until Christmas from now on.

                                                                           Have a wonderful weekend!


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A Little Bit of White

Hello everyone,

It looks like Christmas here already
both indoors and out as I have
been focused on decorating for
Christmas so we can relax and
enjoy it all.
My granddaughter painted the
wooden house on the left for
me as it was gold and brown

The one in the middle came from
a new shop at the North River causeway 
called Cottage Living.
The little one on the left was from
You can see the white stuff out
the window!

                                                    Yesterday, I decorated our library
                                                                so whenever we get a brighter day
                                                                I will take some photos of it.

                                                                             Thanks for visiting!


Monday, November 19, 2018

A Wintry Day Tea

Hello everyone,

With the snowy weather we have had here
lately it is easy to turn my thoughts toward
So my tea time today is in our little
sun room where I can enjoy
the snowy scene outdoors.

I am enjoying Holiday Chai tea
today with my oatmeal scone an
a healthy apple.
The cute mitten cookies are
way to pretty to eat though.

                                                               Are you getting into the holiday
                                                               mood yet?

                      A wintry shot of the garden outside the
              sun room window.
                        I am not sure if this snow is going to stay
                                   as it is early for us and we still had some outdoor
                           chores to do but they will have to wait until
               spring if it does.

                                                                Thank you stopping by and enjoying
                                                                a wintry tea with me.


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Crumpets and Tea

Happy weekend!

I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far.
We just had our second snowfall in four days
   and it is already a winter wonderland outdoors.
  But indoors my tea time is a pastel aqua theme
      with crumpets (buttermilk biscuits) and chai tea.

Love raspberry tea with warm biscuits.

                                                                      Aqua and gold teacup.

The pretty aqua pedestal plate
was a gift from a friend.

Couldn't resist a little Christmas
aqua touch.

Help yourself !
                                                       And just a little peek at our world today!

                                                                     Our Gardener's Cottage with a good
                                                                     coat of snow.
                                                                     Although a bit earlier then most years,
                                                                      I love the beauty of a fresh coat of snow
                                                                      covering trees, shrubs etc. ...not so much
                                                                      on roads though but looks like winter has

                                                                                        Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Cozy Fireside Tea

Hello everyone,

It seems like winter has arrived early
this year as the temperature has dropped
and we had a surprise snowfall accumulation
that has stayed and more on the way tomorrow.

So, I am enjoying a cozy tea by
the fireside.

I confess I have already started to
   decorate for Christmas in our family
room as I love the coziness of the 
    Christmas lights on these chilly long 

                                                                     My red and white transferware
                                                                     is a favorite all year but especially
                                                                     at Christmas.
                                                           I am slowly picking away at
                                                                      getting the rest of the Christmas
                                                                      decor done but I am happy to snuggle
                                                                      in here for now and enjoy my tea by
                                                                      the fireside.

                                                                            Hope you have a cozy evening!
