Friday, March 31, 2017

Touches of Aqua in The Boathouse

                                                                           Happy weekend!

                                                        It is hard to believe that this is the last
                                                        day of March already but I am happy to
                                                        welcome April.  Hopefully, later in April
                                                        I will be out in the garden doing early
                                                        garden cleanup. I am sure some of you
                                                        are already out there if you are in a
                                                       warmer zone then we are.

                                                                I am also looking forward to getting
                                                       the Boathouse cleaned up for spring as the
                                                       sunshine warms it up.
                                                                      Today , I thought you might like to
                                                                      see some aqua touches in the Boathouse.
                                                                        The aqua/ blue mat adds a splash of

The Boathouse is small with a
sitting area on one side and a
sleeping area on the other.
There is also a small loft for
the grandchildren and the tiny
conservatory on the back which
faces south. 

You can see a glimpse of the loft
in the above photo.

               Aqua pillows and the sailboats
give a summery look.
      This is one of my favorite
     spots to relax with a book
               as I enjoy the view of the pond.

                                                                        The old wooden church door
                                                                         is painted an aqua /blue as well.
       Love this pillow as it is
     so appropriate for our
peaceful Island.

                                                                      The Boathouse

                                                 I hope you have a great weekend and
                                                            thanks for stopping by.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Touches of Easter Tea & Projects

        Hello everyone,

        I hope your week is going well.

               We have been busy with projects here
    so time seems to be flying by.

         However, I always enjoy a cup
     of tea for my break.

I enjoyed my tea in a pretty
aqua teacup today with a
touch of Easter vignette.

                                                                           Soft and pretty

Yesterday was bread making day.
This week we are enjoying raisin
oatmeal bread.

                                                                   I bought 4 stacking chairs at the Restore  for our
                                                                   little cottage and gave them a makeover.
                                                                   Actually, I only got 2 done but will finish the
                                                                   other 2 tomorrow. I liked the idea of stacking chairs
                                                                   as a space saver for a small space but wanted them to look
                                                                   prettier so I painted them white and then added the blue                                                                                stripes with a number on the back to give them a
                                                                    beachy look.


                                                                         My little granddaughter wanted a pouf
                                                                          for her bedroom but they all seemed
                                                                          expensive to me so when I was at a
                                                                          local thrift shop I saw this footstool
                                                                          that I thought I could over for her and
                                                                         as luck would have it I had picked up the
                                                                         perfect white furry fabric there a couple
                                                                         of weeks ago so I got out my sewing
                                                                         machine and covered it for her. I think
                                                                         it makes a pretty cute pouf for less then
                                                                         $7 dollars. I am sure she will be happy with
                                                                         it and maybe her sister will be putting in an
                                                                         order for one too!

                                                                        I made four new aqua/blue pillows
                                                                        yesterday as well for a more
                                                                        spring like look in our family
                                                                         room. They are made from
                                                                         nice fabric that also came from
                                                                         a thrift shop.

I couldn't resist these cute blue and
white bunny plates for Easter.


I have been enjoying getting
 some projects done for the past
       several weeks but won't mind at all
          when they are done and we can move
on to gardening!

                                                                              Thank you for visiting,


Monday, March 27, 2017

Afternoon Tea in the Boathouse Conservatory

            Hello everyone,

     I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We 
celebrated two of our sons birthdays
here yesterday. They share the same
     birthday but five years apart

Today, I am sharing an afternoon tea
in the Boathouse conservatory that I
had one beautiful summer day a couple
    of years ago but never shared on my blog~
just in one of my own magazines.

It is a gray day here so looking at these
photos gives me a lift and I hope they
will brighten your day too!

Lots of pretty aqua and pink

And of course some tasty
treats to go with our tea.

Romantic vintage wicker chairs and 
a small table I painted aqua/green.

Our conservatory is small but sunny
and cheerful.

A garden bouquet mixed with
store bought roses for our high
tea today.

          Love these roses!

                    I hope you enjoyed my afternoon tea
                       in the Boathouse conservatory. I know
                        I am looking forward to the days when
                           I can enjoy those summer time teas again
                              but first we have some snow to get rid off.

                           Thank you for visiting!


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Tea by the Sea

 Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your
weekend. It is a sunny one here
and the snow we got earlier this
week is starting to melt.

We decided to take a break today
and went to our favorite spot
to enjoy some peace and beauty
by the sea. Definitely too cold
for swimming but just warm
enough to enjoy a cup of tea
in the sunshine.

Sailboat in the window.

                                                                 If you would enjoy your tea indoors
                                                                 today. I have a cozy corner all ready
                                                                 for you.

   Or maybe you would like to
relax on the bed enjoying the
view from there with a cup of

     I am sure I will never tire of looking at this

                                                            Have you already guessed my little
                                                                       secret?  Yes, you are right......we
                                                                       bought a little beach cottage early
                                                                       last fall and have been busy making
                                                                       it our own special little hideaway!

                                                                       I feel so blessed that we were able
                                                                       to buy this little gem and hope that our
                                                                       family will enjoy many happy, relaxing
                                                                       times there in seasons to come.  

                                                                          If any of you follow me on pinterest
                                                                       you may have noticed that I have been
                                                                       pinning a lot to my beach cottage board
                                                                       enjoying all the inspiration out there.

                                                                       I will share some before and after photos
                                                                       as time goes by of our little Ocean Song
                                                                       Cottage by the sea but in the meantime
                                                                       I hope you enjoyed your Tea by the Sea.

                                                                                           Thank you for visiting!


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Beautiful New Dishes & a Snow Day

Hello everyone,

A couple of days ago I lucked in
to some beautiful new china at the
thrift store and I couldn't resist them.
I think they will look pretty for our
Easter table this year.
It is a set of eight except only
four teacups but I am sure I
can mix and match again.

They are hand painted in England.

A little Easter vignette in the

It may be spring but we had a blizzard here
last night shutting down most of the Island
last night and most of the day.

You can see we had a good blast of winter above
and below. I am hoping that is the last storm and some mild temps.
will get melt it all soon.
    In the mean time our little ' Snow Princess' Lila

and I enjoyed a walk in the woods yesterday.

                                                               Lila and I enjoyed some one on one
                                                               time baking cookies,having tea and
                                                               a walk in the woods.

                   Go ahead and enjoy a sugar cookie before
they are all gone!

        Looking forward to a fun time
          tonight with our grandchildren as
   our driveways are now open
again and the travelling is
good once again.

Thank you for visiting!
