Monday, April 24, 2017

Hammock Days

Hello everyone,

While spring has arrived here and the
garden is coming to life, a little more
each day I am not lazing around in
a hammock just yet! However, I 
am looking forward to some hammock
days in the garden soon.
I love the Jackmani superbra 
clematis above and below.

A vintage quilt for comfort on the
hammock by our pond with the
Boathouse in the distance.

A great spot to enjoy the view of the garden
but also enjoy the sound of our
babbling brook in the woods behind.

Iced tea, anyone?

Or maybe lemonade? This was taken in
our Chelsea Garden.

It is so peaceful here by
the pond in early autumn.

Even in winter a hammock with
a warm blanket is enjoyable with
a cup of hot cocoa.

                                                But, I must admit summer is my
                                                          favorite time to enjoy hammock
                                                          time with a good book.

                                                           We have all our garden beds raked off
                                                           so time now to pull some weeds and prune
                                                           all my annebelle hydrangeas,clematis etc.
                                                           Soon I will divide and move a few plants
                                                           around the garden before they get too big.
                                                            I love this time of year with so much promise
                                                             for great things to come....don't you?

                                                            In a few weeks our Japanese tours will be
                                                            starting again so there is lots to get done.

                                                                For those who asked we will have a couple of
                                                               Open Garden days for anyone local who would
                                                              like to check out our gardens in the summer.

                                                                                          Thank you for visiting!


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Coming Soon !

         Hello everyone,

           Although it has been cooler here the past
      few days the garden is growing daily.
    At this time of year there is a lot of 
    brown in the garden but in my minds
eye I am seeing the beauty that is
coming soon!

I love the riot of color that early
spring brings each year.

Our hillside garden is a mass of daffodils
every spring.

It doesn't take long for the
ground to be covered with
perennials of  all kinds.

A watering can filled with a 
fresh bouquet of colorful

                                                                     This is one of my favorite
                                                                     spring shots.

                                                      This enclosed garden called
                                                                Martha's Garden is a favorite
                                                                spring spot to have tea or lunch
                                                                in the garden as it is sheltered.

                                                                 So, how is your garden doing?
                                                                   I hope you are enjoying some
                                                                warm sunny days with lots of
                                                                promise for beauty to come....soon!

                                                                Thank you for visiting and for
                                                                your lovely comments on my last post.


Monday, April 17, 2017

A Gardener's Tea

Hello again,

I hope you had a lovely Easter filled
with joy and the wonder of the Cross.
We had our family here after church
for a lovely potluck brunch.

Today, there was time to enjoy afternoon
tea with a beautiful bouquet of pink
tulips, lavender, and herbs.

And of course, a pretty teacup
to enjoy my tea.

The Romantic Language of Flowers
to peruse (Thank you Cheryl)   

American Beauty is my teacup of
choice today. (Thank you Linda).
So nice to have friends that
know me so well!

Taking a few moments to reflect on
all the garden beauty that will be
happening soon!

Yesterday, we had our family ......all 27
of us for brunch so I set up
4 casual tables to enjoy
lots of good food. I wish
I had time to take some pics
of the food......we have
some good cooks in the
family and it was a 
colorful display.

Garden season has arrived !
We had some great weather
last week so there is a lot
happening out there! There
is always lots of raking and
cleanup at this time of the year.
The birds are busy building nests
and the pond is all thawed and the
ducks are enjoying it.
Spring cleaning indoors will soon
be done . 

And last but not least we have been working
on our little Ocean Song Cottage.
This is the little nook we are working
on now. This was an open deck before
and my husband and son enclosed it
I painted and made curtains for it but
we are building a platform for a queen
built in bed this week so for now
there is just a single bed in there.
Someday, I will share the before and
after as we put our own stamp on this
little cottage by the sea!

I am excited to have our garden feature
  in Victoria hit the stands here tomorrow 
      as my copy has not arrived yet. 

Thank you to all who left good wishes
for Easter .

Take care,


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Blessings

Happy Easter

   I just wanted to pop in to wish you all
a wonderful Easter.

Love & Blessings ,


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Summer Garden Tablescapes

                                                                          Hello everyone,

                                                   We have had some beautiful weather here lately
                                                    so we are able to get some garden cleanup done.
                                                        Lots of birds are singing out there again and
                                                        even a few flowers are blooming.
                                                         I am really looking forward to color in the
                                                         garden again.
                                                              Today though I am sharing some favorite
                                                          summer garden tablescapes.

                                                                             A pink tea in the garden with
                                                                             beautiful pink peonies.

My cabbage rose tablescape that was 
featured in Romantic Country magazine.

Tea under the old apple blossom tree.

                                                                      A Quilter's Tea ....I love these vintage
                                                                                     An aqua garden tablescape

                                                                              Tea and Scones on the porch with
                                                                              a view of the garden.
                                                                               Tea with my cabbage rose tablecloth
                                                                                and pillows.

                                                                          One of my older tablescapes on the

                                                                              Blue & white tea in Martha's Garden ~
                                                                              our enclosed garden.
                                                                          Breakfast in the terrace.

                                                              Tea in the Rose Garden.

                                                                I hope you enjoyed a look back at
                                                                some of my summer tablescapes.
                                                                I can't wait until we can enjoy
                                                                tea/ lunch in the garden again with
                                                                lots of beauty around us.

                                                                                   Thank you for visiting!
