Hello everyone,
Hope you had a lovely weekend.
Can you believe it is already February?
It was almost like spring here today and
as we went for our walk I could feel some
heat in the sun again and of course we are
enjoying the longer daylight hours.
The warm sunny day made me want to do
a few changes in the entry/porch.
Since, it will soon be Valentine's Day,
I gathered up some romantic pinks.
Then, I gathered up a few
romantic pink vignettes to
share. This teapot above is one
of my favorites especially in
February as my husband gave it
to me for Valentine's Day a few
years ago.
Some dainty pink linens.
Faded beauty.
Did you notice the heart shaped plate
also from my husband.
Pink tulips are usually my
favorite...but I love them all.
Pink peonies make such
a beautiful bouquet.
Can you tell I love this
teapot. It was bought locally but
I have never seen it around here
Soft and sweet romantic shades
of pink.
I am going to see the movie Brooklyn
with a friend tonight but I have already seen it
and really enjoyed it. It brings back memories
of stories my Mom shared of coming from Holland
to Canada on a big ship and being seasick the whole
trip and being so lonesome the first few years.
Have you seen it......I think Saoirce Rowan did
an amazing job in her leading role.
Take care,

So beautiful!!! I loved every lovely photo of the vignettes Carolyn. It looks just like spring in there on your porch.
Congratulations on being featured in the magazine in Japan. Your home is just gorgeous in those photos.
Have a wonderful week my dear!
Your post is absolutely gorgeous, I think just reading it made my estrogen go up, haha - pretty pretty pretty!!!
LOVED the movie Brooklyn - actress was so beautiful and every attention to period detail was spot on perfect. REALLY liked it- went with hubs and our eldest daughter for a matinee a few weeks ago. : - )
I love Valentines Day and all the beautiful pinks and roses. Andrew has such wonderful taste in his gift choices, love that teapot and the plate is so unique.
Truly lovely photos-the roses and peonies are just beautiful! Such a lovely setting for Valentine's Day.
I need to see Brooklyn. My mom is from Ireland and she's quite eager to see it too. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
The romantic pinks are so pretty and just perfect to brighten this time of the year.
beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!!!!!!! hi Carolyn, kiss Lory
Everything is so lovely. Thanks for sharing such beautiful things to look upon. It is cold, dreary and snowy here today...no sign of spring or hint of warmth, so this post is extra welcoming. Also I must say you are blessed to have such a well trained hubby.
Carolyn, your photos are so pretty and filled with lovely spring softness -- it's just what I needed to see with an ice storm raging outside here in the Midwest. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful scenes with us! -Beth
Your soft pinks are such a welcome sight, Carolyn. I never tire of soft pink. I do love your teapot too. Your hubby knows just what you like. I haven't seen the movie and will wait till it comes out on DVD. Thanks for sharing your pretty images and enjoy this beautiful bright sunny day.
Hi Carolyn,
The film sounds interesting. I don't think it's out in The Netherlands yet. I will see if I can find a trailer.
Your Valentine pinks look beautiful!
Madelief x
Such beautiful and romantic pink vignettes Carolyn. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful posts, thank you.
Everything in your photos is so pretty Carolyn. I like the soft pinks and linens. I've not heard of the movie Brooklyn and we don't go to the movies but it does sound interesting. We're getting a wintry blast here today then it will be spring-like tomorrow. Strange weather.
Hello, I just about swooned when I saw that teapot! You made me want to buy one! I enjoy your blog so much! It is like a breath of fresh air!
I now would like to see that movie you mentioned!
Happy Valentines Day...
Hugs, Roxy
I love all your beautiful photos. Such romance, style and femininity. It is a pleasure to look at each one.
I have not heard of the movie Brooklyn. Hope you enjoyed your day out.
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Your posts are always so inspiring.
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