Hello everyone,
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend a long
one here in Canada as we celebrate Victoria
Day. My daughters and I went on a little
trip down to Maine ~ a six hour drive from
here. It was a speedy trip but we enjoyed
spending time together and a little shopping.
The weather was lovely here and before I went
Andrew and I enjoyed a walk on the trail and
I spotted some Mayflowers blooming....they
may be tiny but they have an amazing fragrance.
“Do you know what I think Mayflowers are, Marilla?
I think they must be the souls of the flowers that died last summer,
and this is their heaven.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

start this Friday. Since we had a slow start to spring it seems
everything is coming at once. I cleaned our little garden cottage
before we left and started setting up the screened porch for
the summer with wicker chairs and our old iron bed etc. but
still have the little touched to do yet. It is so nice to be able to
enjoy meals out there again.
I was amazed at how the garden changed in the short time
I was gone......more color everywhere.I will have to get some
shots to share in the next few days.
Now getting to the giveaway that many of you entered
for a chance to win a gift card from Nancy's Daily Dish
beautiful online shop ~ .the winner
is Lynne from the
blog Lynne's Gifts from the Heart. Congratulations,Lynne!
Thank you to all who entered and left such nice comments.
If you still haven't had a chance to visit Nancy check out the
beautiful transferware and jewelry in her shop and you can still
get a 15% discount by using the code AIKENHOUSE when you
place an order.
Thank you again,Nancy for allowing me to offer this.
Have a good week!
Congratulations to Lynne!
How nice that you came back to lots of blooms, Carolyn! We took a trip to Maine one Summer and didn't realize until we were there that Canada was only another 4 hours away. I don't think we realized we were that far North into Maine!
Your trip with your daughters sounds delightful. We spent time in Maine a few summers ago. I would love to return.
Congratulations to Lynne. She will have a grand time shopping with Nancy. So many lovely choices!
Congratulations to Lynne! Enjoy...
Carolyn, your garden is beautiful all year long... I hope my will be some day too... I work hard on it :-) Enjoy the sunny days... Alexandra
Lovely flowers! Tell me the Botanical name please of the 'Mayflowers',maybe we have them here in England?
I have been to Maine as part of a 'Fall Tour of New England',I loved it all!
Hi Sandie,
The Mayflower is classified in the division Magnoliophyta, class Liliopsida, order Liliales, family Liliaceae. Hope this helps ~ it blooms in May here but in England I am sure it would be earlier if it grows there.
Have a good day!
Lovely pictures of flowers:)
Have a wonderful week:)
Congratulations to Lynne on winning your giveaway. You are braver than I Carolyn, I couldn't go away in spring with so much to do in the garden.
Good luck with the start of your tours, everyone will love your gardens.
How nice that you got away with your daughters for a little trip. The Mayflowers are so sweet. My uncle used to go back into the woods every Mother's Day and pick a bouquet of them for my aunt. This always comes to mind when I think of Mayflowers. How exciting that your tours are beginning again! I hope you have a very successful season, Carolyn.
A mother/daughter day of shopping, talking, laughing . . . is absolutely the best. My daughter and I only got in about 4 hours last Sunday, but it was wonderful.
Congrats to the winner!
Congratulations to the winner. Oh sniff, I wanted it so. Smiling!
Thanks for showing a mayflower. I have read Anne and the mention of this little flower, but not seen one. How I would love to smell their fragrance, I can only imagine.
I am so looking forward to your garden this summer! xoxo Jen
Aaahh, "Anne" has a way of describing things perfectly! Great display of the Mayflowers! Love your header too - great colours!
Hi Carolyn, as always I so enjoy your beautiful photos and the description of each, I feel as if I'm right there as your talking. Soaking up every word along with the beauty. I'm so honored to be the winner of the gift from Nancy's, I cannot wait to shop for just the perfect item. I'll share as soon as it's chosen.. fondly ~lynne~
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