Monday, March 28, 2022

Shades of Aqua

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a great weekend.

We have been working on getting
some early spring chores done and
it is great to get a few things off
our list.

Today, I am sharing some of my
photos from previous years.

I always seem to be drawn to
aqua so that is my theme
fro today.

Aqua china is one of my

This is a tablescape I did several
years ago in the garden.

Beachy aqua 

I love books!

A corner in our bedroom gets
a touch of aqua

Aqua at Eventide Cottage

Our peonies are starting to poke up
out of the garden so I am looking
forward to the first blooms around
mid June here in our zone 5b garden.

Eventide Cottage

Ah! lilacs another one of
my favorites.

This was taken in the nook
of our little Boathouse.

                                                        Time for tea?

Peonies in an old wooden
bucket that I painted aqua.

Our Boathouse.....a little
summer retreat by the pond.

It is nice to end with tea
time treats!

When we went for our morning
walk there were lots of birds
singing.....lovely sounds of
spring are in the air.

Thanks for stopping in today.

Take care,


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Peonies in our Garden

Hello everyone,

It is a cold spring day here so
I am enjoying some garden
beauty from last years shots.

I love peonies and have collected
well over a hundred over the
many years that I have been
gardening here on the Island.

The peonies above were both
given to me by my Dad when
I first started gardening and
over the years I have divided
them in the early fall and moved
them around the garden. The one
in the foreground is Festiva Maxima.
It is a tall white one with a stoke
of red .

The peony in the foreground here
is Nymphe and in the background
is another from my Dad.

Sara Bernhardt is a popular peony.

I love this one....raspberry
sundae I believe.

Roses and peonies with
lilacs in the background.

Peonies surround the cherubs
in the garden.

I am so looking forward to seeing
our peonies bloom again!

Do you have a favorite peony?

Thank you for visiting,


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Welcome Spring!

Hello everyone,

I am delighted that spring has
officially arrived!
We have had a few spring like
days and our snow is melting
but it will be weeks yet
before our garden looks
like these photos but
we know it is coming.

I was happy to see some daffodils
poking up out of the ground.
It was so nice to be able to
start a few garden chores.

Looking forward to cheerful
garden teas.

A mass of daffodils on the hillside garden

A bright and cheery bouquet
of tulips to perk up our
home last week.

Doesn't this lift your spirits?

Spring bouquets from the garden

I am sure we are all happy to see
the beginning of a whole
new season of beauty!

Thank you for visiting,

Monday, March 14, 2022

A Spring Tea in the Sunroom

Hello everyone,

I am happy that spring is almost
here although it doesn't feel like
it just yet.However, our little
sunroom is looking pretty
spring like and is warm
and flooded with sunshine
for much of the day.

So, I finally got in the mood to
take and share some photos
of it today.

I am using my vintage mauve
and white transferware
tea set.

As usual this china was collected
here and there over time.
The antique quilt was a
local find several years ago.

A closeup of the transferware pattern.

I am thankful for the peace
and beauty in our little
corner of the world 
and pray for peace
in the Ukraine
and around the

Thank you for visiting
me today.

Take care,

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Eventide Cottage

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well.

It is a snowy day here but I
am looking forward to spring
and the return of cottage
season here on Prince 
Edward Island, Canada.

                                                    With covid 19 restrictions easing
                                                     the tourist season is looking good
                                                      for the Island this year.

                                                     So,this summer Eventide cottage
                                                      will be available by the week once

                                                       Hope I get to meet some of you
                                                        in person this year!

Eventide is a small cottage on the south
shore of the Island and our
Ocean Song Cottage is
the only neighbour.

Bath and outdoor shower

Kitchen with full size
frig and stove.

There is a deck on both the north
and south side so you can
be in sun or shade.

Blossomtime at the cottage

I enjoy watching the ebb and flow of the
tides and the sailboats going by.

On low tide you can enjoy walking
as the waves lap on shore or go
clam digging. There are also
2 golf courses very near by
for any golfers out there.

Sunrise at Eventide

Evening sky

If you are planning a vacation on
the Island this summer and this
little cottage appeals to you,
you can write to me at
for more information.

With all that is going on in the
world today I am praying
for the people of Ukraine
and hope peace will be
restored soon.

Take care,