Saturday, February 19, 2022

Garden Beauty

Happy weekend!

I hope you are enjoying your

I am ready for some garden beauty....
I hope you are too as I am sharing
some colorful garden photos
from our garden.
We still have snow here so
it will be awhile yet before
the first bulbs poke their
heads up but I enjoy
looking forward a bit.

Globemaster alliums on the left
and daffodils on the right

Tulips add a riot of color in the
spring garden.

                                              Hammock days in the garden are
                                              the best!

Clematis and delphiniums are in
my top ten garden favs.

                                 Colorful daylillies are abundant in our
                                 in our August garden. Clematis Jackimani
                                 Superbra on the right.

                                                I do love purple and blues in
                                                  the garden.

More clematis 

The Fairy rose on left and a beautiful
hydrangea on the right......sorry,
I don't know the name of it.

                                                       peonies and clematis

                                              Roses and peonies are definitely
                                              in my top ten favs as well.
                                                What are your favorite plants
                                              in the garden?

                                                             Thank you for your visit
                                                              and take care,


Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

It is another snowy day here on
the Island but I have lots
of romantic tea time
photos to share with

                                            A pretty stack of American Beauty


Pretty teacups in shades
of pink.

I always love to share this pretty
teapot that was a Valentines Day
gift from my husband several
years ago.

A few treats with tea

                                                   Romantic roses

Vintage china

                                                    Hope we can all share some
                                                    love today......the world  sure 
                                                    needs it!

                                                              Thanks for visiting and
                                                              enjoy your day.


Friday, February 4, 2022

Bouquets and Tea

Hello everyone,

It is a snowy day here again
today so I am enjoying going
through some of my old photos.

I thought you might enjoy some
cheery bouquets and tea today.

The above teapot is really old
but oh so pretty.

Some spring cheer in the

Peonies, roses and cupcakes

A garden tea with my red and white
transferware dishes. The bouquet
was fresh picked from our August
garden several years ago.

A romantic vignette

Spring green

I love these yellow English roses from
our garden with vintage china.

Tea on the front porch with a good
view of the garden
Love those pink hydrangeas with
the pretty dishes.

Hope you are having a happy
day today and enjoy your

Take care,
                           Marking below for the teal transferware
                               dishes as requested by Shea.