Hello everyone,
How are you all coping with these
stressful times?
It seems like every hour there is
some new big announcement on
the pandemic .
Here on Prince Edward Island we
have declared a health emergency.
We only have one confirmed case at
this time but Schools and many
businesses ,restaurants etc. are closed
We have been staying at home here but
enjoying our long walks and occasional
drives in the country.
Time is spent in the kitchen making healthy meals
and baking our own bread. I have some painting
projects to do also so we are fairing out fine as
are our children and their families. I hope all of
you are well and remain well both mentally and
well. I think this is a good time to worry less and
pray more!
I walked into our guest room this morning
and with the sunshine I thought I would
take a few photos of it.
This room got a makeover a couple of years
ago. It had taupe and cream wallpaper on
it before.We also painted the furniture.
So, what are you doing to pass
the time if you are self isolating?
Do you like to watch the news to
hear the latest updates or retreat
a little and forget about it all
for awhile?
Love and prayers,

Hi Carolyn, your pretty gray guest room would be a restful, lovely place to be quarantined! You did a nice job refinishing it. It sounds like you are doing well during this challenging days. I can always find plenty of things to do at home! Take care.
Hi Carolyn. I watch a little news but have decided against becoming obsessed with it. The virus is, indeed, horrendous. I pray that all the lives lost in Italy will NOT happen in the USA. We are trying to stay home as much as possible. There is always a lot to do in the house, that's for sure. Your guest room looks very refreshing and bright. Take care and be safe. Susan
Good morning Carolyn,
I love your guest bedroom!! I have the same Skye McGhie teaset. LOL! I am an RN care coordinator for Home Care and will hopefully be able to work from home by the end of today. I pray that you and your family stay safe.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful pictures of your beautiful guest room. What a wonderful,sunny room for any guest to wake up in.
I am wanting to retreat from all the hoopla on TV. Receiving your beautiful pictures is just the perfect retreat! Thanks for sharing.
Carolyn, I love your serene and calming bedroom! Gray is my new white - I've used it some in our little house here and there. And of course, love all the white furniture and the pretty bed. I want to be THERE! Our little town in Central Oregon is so far untouched by the virus, that I know of anyway. Of course, the stores are all out of TP but most everything else is there, though shelves are a little bare as far as cleaning supplies, etc. I think that's the case everywhere. I'm doing lots of crafting.. holing up in my craftroom.. and I don't watch much of the news or special broadcasts. Every time I do, I feel a little panicked, and I don't like that feeling, so I just catch a bit here and there online when I open up my Yahoo email. My hubby is a little more in the know, so he tells me things. I think too much media telling us stuff to make us anxious, is not a good thing, so I just try to stay in my own little world. Of course, we are hardly going out but that is pretty much our life anyway! I can work in my yard a little bit now, as having some warmer days.. so that is also an option if I get bored in the house. Take care and glad you are all well and healthy! Marilyn (Madras, OR)
Thank you Carolyn for showing us this beautiful room! We here on Cape Cod are practicing distancing and cooking and cleaning. Many projects can finally get my full attention. I think the positive from all of this is that we are taking the time to realize that we're all in this together and capture the moments that are created from a simpler lifestyle. I do hope you keep well and can continue to send your magical photos. Best to you and all your family. We will overcome!
Oh so very nice, really lovely
Hi Carolyn,
I love your guest room, it is really lovely. I enjoy your blog so much and enjoy decorating with transferware too. I live in Wyoming, USA so it is still very cold here but it looks like it will be warming up some in the coming days. I have been staying busy cleaning, cooking, baking, hand quilting and resting too. I really want to go quilt on my sewing machine but I needed to get things done in my home first. It has been a scary time and I too believe we should pray and remember that God is in control of all things. I do keep up with the news but I also need time away, it can all become too much. I think that what is shocking to me is I really didn't think I would see a pandemic in my lifetime. I pray you and your family stay well and healthy!
Carolyn I am quarantined for 14 days and this lovely, sunny afternoon I decided I needed to look at something beautiful so I am rereading your delightful book. I can't wait to plant some flowers
Beautiful room! We take long rides like today as the state parks are free admittance but only one problem I didn't think of while visiting one. No restrooms open. We got in car and came back home. Can't live while living in fear, so we don't. Just cautious and taking care of things at home.
Good to see things are well where you are. Such a pretty home you have.
Carolyn, thinking of you and your beautiful blog today. May the Lord bless you and keep you! God bless.
Your guest bedroom looks so welcoming and offers a restful retreat. That is what I think we would all like right now - a restful retreat and the end of this vicious virus. I try to look at the news only once a day, along with an update from our governor here in Virginia. Our son is an ER doctor in Richmond, VA and he continues to warn us to stay home as much as possible. I pray daily for him and for our world. To occupy the time: reading, journaling, checking on friends and neighbors, cleaning and reading beautiful posts like yours. One of my favorite blog sites in Home Is Where the Boat Is - full of gardening, ideas for table settings and recipes. You might want to check this one out. Prayers for you and your family~
I wish you health and all your family.
Love the bedroom and the lovely yellow tea set on the bed. I live on a farm so staying at home is right up my alley. Some of my family members have had to quarantine for a few weeks but over all everything is good. I don't watch much news just spend my time crafting, gardening and checking on the cows. Great to hear you and your family are doing well. Thank you for the posts they brighten my day! God Bless!
Jennifer (Guntersville, AL)
Thank you for taking the time to leave lovely,thoughtful messages.
I am happy to hear you are doing well and keeping busy.
I think it is a good time to reflect on what really matters
and simplifying our lives may be just what we needed.
Take extra good care!
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