Hello everyone
We are still enjoying beautiful warm
weather here and have not had a heavy
frost here yet so the garden still has some
late season color.
The Japanese barberry looks good with the
pee gee hydrangea.
The burning bushes are starting to turn
brilliant red in various places in our
There is still a few blooms on the clematis.
I love to see some roses still putting on
a little show.
The Sweet Autumn Clematis is just starting
to bloom and it blooms very prolifically
with small white fragrant blooms.
We have over a dozen large hydrangea shrubs
blooming in the garden.
Fading blooms on the Polaris rose bush.
It was just a quick look at some of the late
season color in our garden today.
I enjoyed my treasure hunt at the 70 mile
yard sale but didn't bring home as many
treasures as I have in the past but I did
get a few pretties that I will share with
you later.
I hope your week is going well!

A tantos quilómetros de distancia, no meu xardín existen as mesmas floracións... é a mesma zona climática
I love your garden, especially the Sweet Autumn on the arbor. Wish I could move out east, such a different life. My dream. Thanks for sharing.❤️
Nice photos Caroline .I have a hard time growing clementis. The moles like them too much.
It's been raining here the last week in Gaspe. Finally get some sunshine today.
This 70 miles yard sale, is it in PEI.? I went to the one in Sussex, N.B. last Aug. I didn't buy much also. There comes a time when we have to cut down.
Happy Fall. Thelma.
How lovely! I wish I could grow clematis like you! At this time of year I am very homesick for a real fall. When would you say peak leaf season is on PEI? Looking forward to seeing your buys from the 70 mile yard sale... Barbara in SoCal
Every season in your garden is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Thelma
Yes the 70 mile yard sale is on the eastern end of the Island. I haven't seen any moles in our garden but over the winter we sometimes have some voles nibbling here and there, especially if we have a good snow cover.
Hi Barbara,
There are a few trees starting to change color now but the best show will be in a couple of weeks. I am looking forward to a couple of little road trips on the Island with my camera.
We have had such lovely weather here this September.
Thanks for visiting!
What visual delight! I don't know which I liked the best. =)
Just lovely, Carolyn! My favourite would have to be the Polaris rose bush and the tiny white Clematis. It's really starting to cool down now. Almost time to think about Christmas again. Blessings to you and yours.
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