Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Welcome Spring!

                                                                   Welcome Spring!

                                                   I am always excited to welcome spring!

                                                   We had a milder winter with
                                                   hardly any snow this year so most Islanders
                                                   were happy with that...all but outdoor winter
                                                   sports fans anyway.

                                                   Soon, I will be making daily checks around the
                                                   garden to see what is starting to show signs of
                                                    life. Our spring here tends to drag out a bit and
                                                    we often get an early spring snowfall or two,
                                                    but still we know spring is on the way!

Little bouquets of tulips
brighten our dining table.

English Ironstone and tulips
are ready for an afternoon
tea time.

Displaying my red and white
tranferware tureen and covered

                                                             I love bright and sunny days with
                                                             the sun streaming in.

Late spring garden

I am looking forward to lots of
spring color in our garden soon!

Happy Spring!


Monday, March 19, 2018

Coastal Style

I hope you had a great weekend....

the last one of winter!

A few weeks ago I found a large summer scarf
at a thrift store for a few dollars. I bought it, not
to wear but to make coastal style pillows
with for our summer cottage.
I was able to make 3 pillows and cover
an old lampshade with it.....not bad
for $3.

A cute coastal style style mug from
the Dollar Store.

Pretty teacups are more my style.

                       I have enjoyed adding touches of blue
                     and white to our little seaside cottage
            bit by bit!

                                                  Looking forward to relaxing spring/summer days
                                                             at the cottage .....coming soon!
                                                                 Someday, I will show the before and after
                                                                 shots but it is still a work in progress.

                                                                                   Thank you for stopping by,


Thursday, March 15, 2018

A Touch of Aqua

    It feels a little like spring here
       today and we escaped the snow
   storm that was predicted.
       Today for our afternoon tea time
 it is a touch of aqua.
      The china came from Winners
a few years ago.

It has a pretty spring time look.

Tea with lemon

Maybe you would rather a mug
for your tea?

                                            I have been adding touches of aqua to
                                                       our home and spent some time making
                                                       some new aqua pillows for our home so
                                                       I am getting ready for spring.....what about

                                                                      Thank you for joining me for
                                                                       tea today!


Monday, March 12, 2018

A Snow Day

On Saturday we woke up to one of our
biggest snowfalls of the winter.
Even though spring is just around the
corner and I wasn't really looking for 
snow I did enjoy the beauty.
I took a walk around our property
and captured some of the beauty.

                                                                  The Gardener's Cottage

                                                                    Another look at the Boathouse

I love when the trees are laden
with snow.

                                                            The Boathouse from across the pond

                                                               The shrubs are laden with snow as well.

                                                   We didn't get much snow this winter
                                                              and this will likely melt soon so it
                                                              will be good for the land as we had
                                                              a dry summer and fall.
                                                                  Believe it or not but there are tulips
                                                               and daffodils already poking up under
                                                              this snow so spring will be here soon!

                                                                                   Have a good week!


Friday, March 9, 2018

Let's Have a Tea Party !

Hi Everyone,

I am dreaming of  a tea party today,
so maybe you would like to dream 
along with me!

Above, my friend Janice is doing
a little fluffing to the summer bouquets
on our porch.

                    Tea parties mean using lots of pretty

 And of course pretty teapots too.


 Bouquets are also a pretty addition
to any tea party.

And we can't forget the
food, sandwiches,scones
and desserts.

Raspberry coconut coffee cake.

Strawberry shortcakes are
always hard to resist!

Peach shortcake


Time to pick an afternoon
tea dress ~ hope you love

                                             Although we are having a stormy weekend
                                                        here this weekend, we know that spring
                                                         is on it's way.

                                                                     Hope you enjoyed our tea party
                                                                      and have a wonderful weekend!
