Monday, February 27, 2017

Soft and Pretty Vignette

     Hello everyone,

    Hope you had a great weekend.We
      had a lot of melting going on here so
     we lost a lot of the snow that we got

      I am enjoying changing my kitchen
table display on a regular basis
so I can enjoy little vignettes of
my china and books.

Love these sunny days.

One of my favorite places to
enjoy a cup of tea in winter.

Just a few quick shots that I took
this morning while waiting
for my friend Mildie to
come for a visit.

 Thank you for stopping by,


Saturday, February 25, 2017

A Beautiful Winter Beach Day

                                                                         Happy Weekend!

                                                     We are having some very spring like days
                                                     here lately so my husband and I decided
                                                     to take an afternoon off and go to the beach.

             Now, you might think you can't enjoy the beach
         when there is still snow on the ground but we
totally enjoyed ourselves.
            You could really feel the heat from the sun and
even hear the melting snow.

                                                               So can see it was very
                                                               calm as there is a perfect reflection on
                                                               the water.

                                                                          Melting snow & ice.

        This is a south shore beach on
Prince Edward Island.

                                                                  A cup of tea made it a perfect
                                                                  place to relax and drink in the view
                                                                  as well as the tea.

                                           Some of you might remember seeing an
                                                      autumn shot or two of this beautiful view
                                                      a few months ago ~ click here to see that post.

                                                              We enjoyed our winter beach day so much
                                                               we went back again the next day as it was
                                                               another calm and sunny mild day.

                                                                              Enjoy your weekend!


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tea in the Sunroom

Hello everyone,

I hope your week is going well.
It was a beautiful sunny day so
a perfect day to have tea in the sunroom.

The sunroom has a cupboard
full of pink and white china.

                                                                  It is warm and sunny
                                                                  in here.

                                                       I am looking forward to my geraniums
                                                        blooming again after wintering in
                                                        the basement.I am slowly starting to
                                                        take them up for more light and heat.


My old cupboard holds a mix
of  vintage china with a few
new ones mixed in.
I probably should be purging
some of my china .....but that seems 
to be hard for me! Do you have
a china addiction too?

Vintage china with a few
new pieces mixed in.

                                                         Thank you for visiting me
                                                                    in our little sunroom today.

                                                                                   Take care,

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Brown & White Transferware Cupboard

                                                                             Hello everyone,

                                                        We are having some lovely weather this
                                                        week with sunshine and a hint of spring
                                                        in the air.......perfect for long walks outdoors.
                                                        I have been in painting mode lately and eager
                                                       to do my spring cleaning before garden season.

So,one of yesterdays projects  was
to remove the Friendly Village  dishes
that I enjoy in winter from the cupboard in 
the cupboard in the library.
I wanted to give the cupboard a fresh coat
of paint going with a creamy white paint
this time. 

I have been noticing that my collection of
brown & white transferware has grown  ...
not sure how that happened.Ha!Ha!
Anyway, I thought another cupboard
was needed to display it all.

      As always, I have a mix of new & old.

A birthday gift from a friend
a few years ago.

                                                                My thrift shop find.

                                                                I love all the different
                                                                scenes depicted on
                                                                English transferware.

                                                             Most of my collection was bought
                                                             locally but a few like the soup tureen
                                                              above came from antique malls in Maine.

                                                      I have been asked the name of this
                                                      tea set a few times~ it is Brown Botanical
                                                      by Skye McGhie. It is a newer and I think
                                                      I have seen it on ebay.

I will probably do a little more
fluffing with the display but
my next project is repainting
my other old cupboard full
of more brown & white transferware.

Well, thanks for stopping by and I
have another paint brush if you 
would like to hang around!

Take care,

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Garden Dreaming

Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your
weekend. It is a long weekend
here, as Monday is family day.
Last week with all the snow storms
school was cancelled 4 days so it was quite
a week . 

However, with the days getting longer
and the sun stronger I find myself
doing a little garden dreaming
over a cup of tea and a
lovely new garden design book
 that I was asked to do a review on
and I am happy to have it added to 
my garden library. 

So dream along with

I love purple in the garden
so alliums are a perfect choice.


                                                                      Lots of good ideas for color
                                                                       combinations for different
                                                                       styles of gardens.

                                                             I love this book because there are over
                                                             300 pages of beautiful ideas for the garden
                                                            with a little description of each photo and
                                                             to me a picture is worth a thousand words!
                                                             My pictures don't do the book justice but I
                                                             really recommend this book to all you
                                                             gardeners out there.

                                                                              Garden Design
                                                                                          A Book of Ideas

                                                                                      by  Heidi Howcroft  &
                                                                                                   Marianne Majerus.

                                                                                                            A Firefly Book
                                                            It is available at Firefly but I am sure many local
                                                            book stores have it as well.

                                                               Transferware tea cup and pretty purple

Now, for a little garden dreaming
from our garden.

   I love lupins and look forward to their
return every year.

Peonies are so beautiful and
we have them spread all around
our garden .

I love the abundance of blooms
in the late July garden.

Are you dreaming of your garden too.....
maybe staring to count the days until
you can get out there?