Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful
Christmas . I am sorry I
didn't get back here sooner but
our internet service has been down
and yesterday a tree fell on our
power line knocking out our power
for the day but all is well now......
which is good as we are hosting our
New Years day dinner tomorrow.

While the power was out here,
I enjoyed afternoon tea with a
book by the gas fireplace while
waiting for the power to be

                                                                      I love this black and white
                                                                      transferware tea cup.

                                                                         Our Christmas table

                                                                          The second Christmas table and
                                                                          the six youngest grandchildren
                                                                          had their own little table.
                                                I wish you all a Happy New Year
                                                           filled with peace, joy, good health
                                                           and love.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter Soliste

Hello everyone,

Since this is winter solstice and winter has officially
 started here on the Island I thought I would share
some winter photos that I took recently as we seem
to have got a head start on winter here with early snow.

On a snowy day last week I took
a little walk around a few favorite
spots in Charlottetown.

                                                                            A beautiful old church.

             Love the trees decorated on the 
streets around town.

     A peaceful stroll

                                                                             On the waterfront

                                                                           Fanningbank in winter

   Country Christmas

The full moon coming up over our woods.

                                                                         A beautiful country church

                                       The photo above was taken a couple of
                                                  weeks ago and it is a neighbors farm.
                                                  This reminds me of a winter puzzle.

                                                               Christmas is fast approaching
                                                               but I hope to do a couple more
                                                               posts before.

                                                                        Hope you are all ready
                                                                        for Christmas. I still have
                                                                       some baking to do but a
                                                                       few hours in the kitchen
                                                                       should wrap it up!



Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Christmas in our Dining Room

         Hello everyone,

       I hope your Christmas preparations are
going well.

I am looking forward to spending the
day with my daughter today...having
lunch and doing a bit of shopping but
before I go I am sharing a few photos
of our dining room.

                                                                         I love this old plaid vintage
                                                                         throw and it gives a touch
                                                                         of Christmas coziness.
                                                                           The tea is on and a couple of
                                                                            Christmas books ready to be enjoyed.

                                                                         You can see my collection of
                                                                          red and white transferware in
                                                                          the cupboards behind.
                                                                         I love having a tree in here
                                                                           as well as in the library.  

                                                                            Simple touches
                                                                    You can see a snowy look
                                                                     through the windows.

Santa joins us. 

                                                  Well, I am off to enjoy my day
                                                              out......hope your day is a good one too!

                                                                                   Thanks for your visit!


Monday, December 19, 2016

English Country Christmas

 Hello everyone,

I hope you enjoyed your weekend.

I enjoyed a lovely afternoon on
Saturday going to the Christmas
      House Tours and then out to supper
with my daughters.

                                                         On Sunday we hosted our annual family pizza
                                                         party for 30 and the grandchildren exchanged
                                                          gifts adding to the fun. I love this casual party.

I think this room has an English
    cottage look although it does have
a bit of French as well.

The tea tray is set if you have
time for tea.

                                                                      Friendly Village tea cups.

                                                                    You can see my collection of
                                                                    Friendly Village china has made
                                                                    it's way back out to the cupboard
                                                                    for the Christmas/Winter season.

Father Christmas stands watch
in the corner.

                                              Well, it is hard to believe that this time
                                                         next week Christmas is over but thankfully
                                                         the joy of the season will still linger.

                                                                          Thank you for stopping by,


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A White Boathouse Christmas

                                                                             Hello everyone,

                                                                 We got more snow here overnight
                                                                  again this morning so it is a winter
      I didn't get around to decorating
     the Boathouse yet for this year's
  Winter/Christmas but I enjoyed
another look at these so I am
hoping you will too.
I love this old iron bed that
I bought at the 70 mile yard
   sale about 4 years ago for $15.
The door in the corner was $5.
from the same sale.
The vintage skates on the end
of the bed I painted blue and
glued fur trim onto.

                                                                      A cozy winter white tea.

                                                                      The stockings were hung!

                                                                    Fresh greens and furry throws
                                                                    and pillows.

                                                                        The Boathouse this year is already
                                                                        surrounded by a winter wonderland.

                                                               The Boathouse by our pond.....since this
                                                               photo was taken a couple of weeks ago
                                                               the pond has a skim of ice now. Hope to
                                                               be able to skate on it in January.

                                               In winter I enjoy a walk around the
                                                          pond and Boathouse and through the

                                                          I was thinking we had no worries about
                                                          not having a white Christmas but then I
                                                          heard rain is forecast for Sunday so you
                                                          never know.

                                                           I hope your Christmas preparations are
                                                           coming along nicely and you are enjoying
                                                           the season.

                                                                      Thank you for your visits and thank you
                                                                       to all who leave nice comments for me.
