Saturday, May 28, 2016

Soft Blues in The Gardener's Cottage

                 Hello everyone,

                     I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
                     It has been cool and damp here the last
                     couple of days making it less desirable
                     for working in the garden. We decided
                             to go out for breakfast to one of our favorite
                             summer spots, Cafe on the Clyde. It is a short
                         drive from here through the rolling hillside,
                                which have been newly planted for the season.

                               However, my story today is about
                             some new touches of soft blue in
                The Gardener's Cottage.
                                   The small bench was the perfect size
                                to serve as a coffee table in here so
                                  it got a coat of Yarmounth Blue from
     Benjamin Moore.

                                                                  I removed a chair and added the loveseat with
                                                                  an old white bedspread covering it.
                                                                  The pillows have the soft blue background as
                                                                  well. Next on my list is to give the corner cupboard
                                                                  a makeover with different china.

                                                                        An antique teapot is ready for tea.

You might have noticed the washstand
also was painted soft blue.

                                                                       My favorite part of the makeover
                                                                       was doing this old screen door from
                                                                      white to Yarmounth Blue. I replaced the
                                                                      old screen with lace.....looks so much
                                                                      prettier don't you think?
                                                                      I find this color blue very calm and soothing.

                                                                    Then, I gave the shutters a coat of the same
                                                                    paint.The solid wood chair was a yardsale
                                                                    $5. treasure.....already the perfect shade of blue.
                                                                    These windows also have a panel of lace on a wooden
                                                                    frame added to the inside.

The old cupboard was also freshened up
with the blue paint. 

Can you see why my husband says he is
         afraid to stand still when I have a paint brush
        in my hand in case he ends up with a coat of
paint .....he would look good in blue!

                                                        I hope you have a lovely weekend!

                                                                   Oh! the sun is trying to pop out here
                                                                   making things a lot brighter but I was
                                                                   happy for the rain as the garden was unusually
                                                                   dry for this time of year.

                                                                   Happy Memorial Day weekend to my
                                                                   American friends!

                                                                                              Take care,

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tea in Martha's Garden

           Hello everyone,

After spending several hours working in the 
garden on this beautiful day I decided it was
time for a tea break.

This secluded spot in our garden is
my favorite place to have tea at this
time of the year as it has lots of color
and fragrance along with bird songs.
The garden statue was named Martha
      so this little garden was called after her.

Tulips, daffodils,virginia bluebells,
hyacinths,violets are the main show
in here now.

                                                                           Peeking over the old picket fence.

                                                                               The Star Magnolia has been
                                                                               blooming for awhile now.
                                                                               I picked a colorful bouquet.

                                                                             Tea Time.

                                                               Well, now that I am rested up (almost)
                                                                          I have a few more things to do in the
                                                                          garden if I can get my back to cooperate!

                                                                                                    Thank you for stopping by,


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunshine Yellow Garden Tea

                 Hello everyone,

               I hope you are enjoying a beautiful
          sunny weekend as we are here.

               This afternoon I set up for tea in the
               garden as it has warmed up here and
          all the spring bulbs are blooming.
                             The Hillside Garden is awash
                                            with color.....mainly a mix of daffodils.

There is no shortage of blooms
           for bouquets from now until October.

                           Sunny yellow china for our tea.

                            It is so nice to be able to have tea
     in the garden again.

An old garden chair holds
my bouquet of daffodils.

                        Well, I am off to enjoy a lazy afternoon
                   with a book and another cup of tea.

                   It is our Victoria Day weekend here so
                     I hope my fellow Canadians enjoy their
long weekend.

Take care,


Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Gardener's Cottage

        Hello everyone,

        It is a beautiful day here and I have been
working on sprucing up our little
Gardener's Cottage.
I painted the floor and gave the walls
a wash of white paint again to freshen
it up.

I made new curtains from sheer white
fabric that I had on hand as it was a
cheap thrift find. 
I had lace curtains on before that
covered the windows ~ they
blocked the view.

                                                                         The vanity has been here for
                                                                          a few years.

                                                               I have a few changes in mind so
                                                               I will do a better photo shoot later.

                                                 We have 26 people coming from Japan
                                                            tomorrow so we have been busy getting
                                                            everything done for the start of our new
                                                            season. As some of you probably remember
                                                            we have a summer business hosting hundreds
                                                            of Japanese visitors through Prince Edward Tours.
                                                            So along with our garden the Gardener's Cottage and
                                                            Boathouse are all scrubbed and shining!
                                                            Hoping it doesn't rain but if it does they come
                                                            well prepared with umbrellas.
                                                               I have a few painting projects left to do so I
                                                            better get back to work!

                                                                                           Take care,


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Spring Garden

               Hello everyone,

     After a few coo; wet days we had a
beautiful warm sunny day today so
I took a few shots in the garden to
share with you.

We have hundreds of daffodils
blooming in the garden now
in many different varieties.

                                                                     The star magnolia is in
                                                                      full bloom as well.
                                                                         Hyacinths are also blooming
                                                                         and adding their sweet fragrance.

                                                                          The tulips are just starting.

                                                                              Foxtail lilies are
                                                                              also in bloom.

                                                                              Pretty pink hyacinths with
                                                                               lutea in the background.

Snakehead  fritillaria

                      The Hillside Garden is a mass
of  spring color.

                                                                                       Double daffodils


           A softer shade

          A spring collage;;

                              We are expecting some some nice weather
                         so the garden will change quickly from
           now on.

                             Hope you enjoy the test of your week!
