Monday, November 30, 2015

Warm & Cozy Christmas

 Hello everyone,

           I hope you had a lovely weekend.
         We got a couple of cm. of snow
here overnight last night.
It started while we were at
              a little country church for a candlelit
              Advent celebration.It was the perfect
           touch...gently falling snow on the
drive home.

       I took a couple of shots today of
              our library. It needs a bit of tweaking
         and our tree isn't up in here yet but
     still I am enjoying the cozy look.
    The tablecloth is leftover fabric
         from the curtains that I was happy
      to get at a thrift shop last year.

       Another angle of the room.

Our tree in the library last year.
We always put a real tree in here
    so it can't go up for week or so yet.

Tea by the fire is always
a nice winter treat.

   Get warm and cozy while
you enjoy a cup of tea
by the wood burning

The boathouse last year
      far this year it is still in summer
mode....slow I know!

                                               So, what about you are you all
                                                         decorated for Christmas?

                                                            Thank you for visiting!


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Our Blue & White Toile Guest Room

        Hello everyone,

             I hope your week is going well .

         I am decorating for Christmas and
    thought I would add a few little
touches in our blue and white
toile guest room.

                         Blue and white is not very traditional
                                  to decorate for the season but I added a few
                                white feather trees and a feather wreath on
the old iron bed.

                   An old but comfortable wing chair
                              is covered with an old chenille bedspread.
                       The blue and white braided rug was a
unique thrift find.

                                                                       A tea tray.

                   The netting around the bed adds
                        some appeal to our granddaughters
     when they sleep over.

The old pitcher has a bouquet
for now but later just some
greenery will do.

A Christmas stocking is hung on
the bed.

Well, just a few touches here and there
to add a little charm.......maybe you
you would like to curl up here for a
spell and relax?

   Take care,


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tea Time

                                                                           Hello everyone,

                                                      We had our first sunny day in almost
                                                      a week so it was too nice in the sunroom
                                                      to not have afternoon tea in there.
                                                               I got this small flowering kale(not
                                                               sure what the real name is for it)
                                                               and added some real greenery to it
                                                               for a small bouquet in an old tarnished
                                                               sugar bowl.
                                                              Today, my scones were all gone
                                                              so my sheep sugar cookies will
                                                              go nicely with a cup of tea.

                                                      The sunshine makes such a
                                                      difference in here.

                                    I would like to wish all my American
                                              friends a Happy Thanksgiving.

                                              Also, thinking of a few friends that
                                              I met in person(from blogging) this summer
                                              from France and Belgium ~ thinking & praying
                                              for you during these difficult times.

                                                                   Take care,


Friday, November 20, 2015

A Cozy Sunroom Tea

               Hello everyone,

Today, we are having our tea in
the sunroom..... alas no sun
but still bright and cozy.
I have brought out my teal
green china as I think it
suits the season.

                                                                  The heart shape wreath and the
                                                                  wool plaid blanket used as a
                                                                  tablecloth here give it a cozy
                                                                    I also used a wool blanket as a
                                                                    chair cover and a soft cozy throw
                                                                    will keep you warm.When the sun
                                                                    is shining this room is toasty warm
                                                                   but on a cloudy day it is cool unless
                                                                   I turn on a little electric heater.
                                                                                 Tea for two.

                     Using some real trees and candles in
here today.

Teal green transferware is
hard to find around here.

          I made some whole wheat raisin scones
 again. It is a favorite tea time treat
          for my husband and I and pretty healthy

I hope you all have a wonderful


Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Fireside Tea

                 Hello everyone,

                    It is another dull November day
                  here so it is a good day to have
               afternoon tea by the fireside.

I have been getting our home
decorating for the season.
I love how all the fairy lights
add sparkle and coziness.
It is starting to look like
Christmas around here.

                                                         Wrap up in a plaid/tartan throw if you
                                                          like while we enjoy our tea.

                                                                         Tea and scones.

                                                                      The plates were a recent thrift
                                                                      find and the teacups were a gift
                                                                      from a friend. They are almost
                                                                      a perfect match.
         The lacy vintage hankie was 
      another gift from a friend this

I hope you are snug and cozy
where ever you are today.

             I am joining Between Naps on the Porch
for Tablescape Thursday.

Take care,

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A White Christmas.......Past

   Hello everyone,

     It is a dull  damp November day here
  and I can't take any photos indoors 
     today so I picked out some of my past
favorites of a White Christmas. 
I hope you enjoy them.

                                                          Above, is a shot of the Boathouse
                                                         conservatory a few years ago.I went
                                                         with a Nordic look then but last year
                                                         it was an English Country Christmas
                                                         look.I am still thinking about this years
                                                        look in our tiny conservatory.
                                                       You can check out the English Country
                                                       look here.
The Boathouse Christmas nook. This 
was one of my favorite shots last year
as there was a nice coat of snow but no
ice on the pond yet so there is a nice
reflection in the water.

Another angle in the conservatory showing
my $5 rusty iron chandelier.

                     My oldest daughter wore these little skates
   when she was learning to skate.

Our bedroom decorated for
      Christmas a couple of years ago.

A snowy white Christmas.
I painted the old skates and
  added fur trim with hot glue'

                                                                      I have to confess I love a
                                                                      snowy white Christmas.

A winter white tea in
our sunroom.....get
cozy under a furry white

As, I look out at the brown and grey
of November I am looking forward
to a nice coat of fluffy white stuff
but I know many don't agree with
me on that one!

Hopefully, in the next day or two I
will have some new shots of my
decorating progress from this year.

Take care,
