Saturday, March 28, 2015

An Elegant White Tea Time

                                 Today I am going with a white
                                              feminine and elegant theme for an afternoon
                        tea. don a pretty dress.

Gloves, a sparkly purse and a hat.

                                                               Pearls,lace and roses.

                                                                 A white table is set  in our little
                                                                 Gardener's Cottage for tea.

Heart shaped sandwiches to go with
our tea.
                                                                   A pretty teacup.

                                                  Or maybe you would rather sit in the Martha's Garden
                                                  and enjoy all the white blooms of the Deutiza's.
                                                  p.s. right now this garden is all white as it is covered
                                                  in almost a meter of snow so no tea parties here for awhile!

                                                  Hope you enjoyed an elegant white tea today!

                                                                                          Thank you for visiting,



Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Summer Porch & Romantic Country

 Hello everyone,

Hope your week is going well.

I just wanted to share my exciting news
with you today.
My summer porch is featured in the
Summer Romantic Country magazine.
Of course, I was super excited to find
out one of my photos even made the cover! 

                                                   The summer porch last summer.
                                           I love using wicker furniture,the old iron bed
                                           vintage linens and of course bouquets.
      Lilacs and pretty china.

                               There are also some photos of our Downton Abbey Tea
                                         from a couple of summers ago.It is on shelves now so
                                        you can check it out!
                                          I am lapping up some sunshine in the sunny south these
                                          days so I couldn't put a photo of the cover on yet as I
                                          am not at my computer.
                                             I have taken lots of new photos to share when I
                                           get back home.

                                                          Wishing you a lovely day!


Monday, March 23, 2015

Garden Mosaics

                                                        I am just popping in today to share some
                                                        garden mosaics from our garden in previous
                                                will be quite awhile before our
                                                         garden looks like this.    
                                                                   Clematis and roses.
                                                               Ah! Sunny summer days.
                                                               Pink peonies and roses with Thalictrum on
                                                               top left.
                 I love statues in the garden.

                                                       The clematis Abundance on the left with the rose
                                                       Julia Child on the top right with a daylily below.
                                                                   Color in the garden.

                                                          Cottage charm.

                                                          We have had this lovely lady in our
                                                          garden in our garden for several years
                                                          now and she only gets better with age!
                                                          She came from J & S Concrete in Albany,
                                                          P.E.I for any interested local gardeners.

                                                                            Enjoy your day!


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Red & White Transferware Display

               Hello everyone!

            In the course of doing some spring cleaning ,
I changed my display of china
on this thrift store shelf.

I don't know why but these little changes
make me happy.

Maybe, it is because my mother
always said a change was as good
as a rest.

My collection of red and white
transferware is still growing as
friends add a piece or two now
and then.

My little yard sale cupboard came in
handy to hold the overflow.



If you would like to see the rest of my collection
of red and white transferware on the other side
of the kitchen go here.

                                          Before you go enjoy a cup of tea!

                                                                Take care,


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Romantic Whites

                                                                             Hope your week is going well.
                                                                           We are expecting a couple more
                                                                          snow storms to hit the Island this
                                                                          week......Spring,where are you?
                                                                         So, in the midst of all this white
                                                                        I have some soft romantic whites to share.
                                                                      Pretty cupcakes,roses and china.

           A lacy white heart.

                                   I do love soft romantic whites but I have my fill
                                              of the white stuff outdoors for this year.

                                                                                      Enjoy your day!


Monday, March 16, 2015

A Chair Makeover

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a good weekend. We had
another blizzard here and the roads are still
not open for travel. This has been quite the
winter and doesn't seem like it is leaving any
time soon.
Anyway, it may be snowy outside but it a good
time to get some projects done indoors.

                                               So, these chairs that I bought last year got a
                                               little makeover. They had a dark stain on them
                                               which was fine but didn't work in our space as
                                               well as a less formal look so I painted them a creamy
                                               white. The porch is also getting a makeover as my
                                               husband and son put wainscotting on the bottom and
                                               our painter gave it a couple of coats of white and the walls
                                              revere pewter which was a few shades lighter then the original.

                                                            I am still working on decorating the porch
                                                            but I love that sunshine streaming in!

                                                         A pretty rose from a miniature rosebush
                                                         on the windowsill.

                                                             This is the chair before.

                                       Well since we are snowed in I might as well
                                                  go and do another spring project so we will
                                                  be all fresh and pretty when spring arrives.

                                                   I am joining BNOTP for Metamorphosis Monday.

                                                             Hope you have a good day!
