Friday, October 30, 2015

Small Changes in our Kitchen Bay

    Happy Weekend!

  Yesterday was an indoor day for me and
it is the time of year that I like to make
little changes in our home.
Remember, my sweet Mama always
said a change is as good as a rest....not
sure if this is what she meant but it works
for me!
A couple of weeks ago I had a man from
Japan here and he said he has been here 3
times and every time he comes it is different...
why is that he asked. What can I say ~
I inherited that gene from my Dutch

                                                          Anyway, The chaise is back upstairs and this
                                                          chair from Ikea that my husband gave me for my
                                                          birthday a few months ago is in it's place with
                                                          a small table for tea time.

            A new to me but very old transferware
   teapot found on our trip to Maine.

                                                                         Plants making there way indoors
                                                                         from the garden......too frosty out
                                                                         there for tender plants.
                                                                Even though it was rainy outside it was cozy
                                                                and comfy here.

                                                        This could be my new favorite spot
                                                                   for tea or reading a favorite magazine
                                                                   or book.

                                                                                 Hope you have a wonderful


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Autumn Days in a Hammock

Hello everyone,

  I hope your week is going well but if
you are in need of a little rest and
relaxation......I have the perfect
spot for you.

                              Curl up on the hammock by the pond
                       and read for awhile or take a nap.

                                                                Wrap yourself in a warm plaid

           With October almost over the luxury of
   relaxing in the hammock will soon
  be past for another year so enjoy!

        Be sure to wrap up in the Island Tartan
  blanket to keep you cozy and warm.

Hope you have a beautiful day!


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Red Transferware Tea

Hello everyone,

It is a nice sunny day here today ....
a good day for an afternoon tea break.

I made some  whole wheat currant scones
for us to enjoy with our tea.

We are using my treasured
red and white transferware.
The  dishes today are all
Mason ~ Vista except the teapot.
I have lots of transferware and
this is the time of year that I
appreciate it the most as I am
indoors more.

The teapot is Venetian.I have been 
collecting this transferware for many
years and mostly one or two pieces
at a time. 

Some were lovely gifts.

     Have a scone with some jam?

                                     Well, now that garden season is almost over
                                               you will probably be seeing a lot more in and
                                               about the house.
                                                   I am joining Rose Chintz Cottage for
                                               Tea Time Tuesday and
                                                Bernideen's Tea Time Blog for
                                               Friends Sharing Tea.

                                                         Hope you enjoy the comfort of
                                                         a good cup of tea this afternoon!

                                                                         Take care,


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Autumn Reflections

Hello everyone,

As I mentioned in my last post, we went on a
short holiday to Kennebunkport, Maine.
We enjoyed beautiful autumn colors on the
10 hour drive from our home to 
Kennebunkport and of course there
as well.

While out walking or going for a short drive
I enjoyed capturing some pretty autumn

                                               We have gone to Kennebunkport several times
                                               before and it is beautiful in all seasons.

                                                          This was the view from our patio.
                                                               We enjoy long walks around the small
                                                                town and this time we bicycled through
                                                               it as well on a beautiful sunny day.
                                                   We enjoyed our holiday and now
                                                              are ready to put our garden to bed for
                                                              the winter and then snuggle in by the
                                                              fire on these long cozy evenings.

                                                              If you would like to see how pretty
                                                              the town looks at Christmas check
                                                              out my post from the Prelude last
                                                              year here.
                                                                           Thanks for your visit!


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Kingsbrea Garden in Autumn

      Happy weekend!

Last weekend my husband and I went on a little holiday
to Maine. However, on the way there we spent a night in
St. Andrews's by the Sea.

When we arrived it was raining so we did
a quick tour of Kingsbrea Garden to see
their autumn colors.

                                                              It was still beautiful!
                                                                 A garden sculpture added
                                                                 a splash of color.
The monkshood was so pretty.

                                                                     It is a beautiful garden in all seasons.

                                                                     Lovely fall foliage

It was raining so it wasn't the best day for
photos but I think you can see that it is
a beautiful garden in all seasons.

                                                     I love the windmill.......wonder if Andrew could built
                                                               one for our garden!!!!

                                                               If you would like to see this garden in late summer
                                                               check it out here.

                                                               Thank you for touring along through the rain.

                                                                                            Enjoy your weekend!


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Feminine Afternoon Tea

                                                                          Hello everyone,

                                                             I hope your week is going well.
                                                            Maybe, you would like to join me
                                                            for afternoon tea in the sunroom.
                                                                        I am using my dainty pink
                                                                        and white china today.
              A feminine lace dress
                     to wear for afternoon tea.

                                                                         A beautiful bouquet of roses
                                                                         alas,no longer garden roses.

                                                                          A stack of pretty dishes.
                                                                        Some of you know this is one
                                                                        of my favorite teapots and I do have a
                                                                        few to pick from?

                                                                        Pretty china is hard to leave
                                                                        behind at thrift you
                                                        I am so glad you could join me
                                                                   for tea today.

                                                                   Enjoy the rest of your week!
