Hello everyone,
It was a nice day here today and we were busy getting ready for our first House & Garden tour from Japan today. There is always more to do to be ready for the first tour but I think we are ready!
How about a spot of tea today?
My new tea cups that I bought in England came home with me in my carry on for safe keeping.
We have lots of tulips and daffodils etc. blooming in the garden now.
A pretty new hydrangea.
Look the pale pink and green tones.

I am joining/Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea Time Tuesday.
Thank you for visiting,
I am amazed that just a few weeks back you had snow and now you have hydrangeas - that's amazing! Beautiful!
Pretty teacups and my favorite colour of tulip. Enjoyed your post, once again. Deb
Olá Carolyn,
Após um dia de trabalho e uma reunião no colégio do meu filho, cheguei mais tarde hoje em casa e tive a surpresa em saber que seu livro havia chegado.
Me emocionei muito ao desfrutar de cada página, lembranças maravilhosas. É como se eu caminhasse novamente pelo jardim, sentindo o perfume das flores e ouvindo os pássaros como naquela bela tarde que estivemos aí. O livro ficou maravilhoso e é difícil saber qual é a foto mais bonita. É como se eu recebesse o mais belo presente.Vou guardar para os meus netos e poder dizer que estivemos aí.
Precisei segurar para não chorar e precisava dizer isso a você.Você me passa muita paz e tranquilidade.
Obrigada querida.
Feliz primavera. Espero ansiosa cada publicação.
Um beijo.
Lauriane e Cleumacir
Such a pretty post. Love the teacups. I'd love to take a tour there!
Hydrangeas and tea cups - two of my favourite things. I do love the pale green teacup with roses. Really pretty.
I hope your first house and garden tour will be a success Carolyn! The teacups you brought from England look very sweet!
Happy day!
Madelief x
i'm still in love with those gorgeous teacups you bought in England. I bet your garden looks amazing. Can't wait to see more. x
Just beautiful!
Have a nice day Caroline.
Love Elzie
Carolyn, When I need a shot of Beauty I come here! Sigh!
I hope you have some nice weather for your garden tour. The cups and saucers you bought in England are so pretty. They almost look like the bridal rose pattern. That hydrangea is gorgeous! Blessings, Pamela
I've been away for a while , but come back here is like coming home ...
Hy Carolyn!!!
You always have such beautiful pictures on your page. wonderful cups.
Love your spot of tea. Your new tea cups are beautiful. Love all the flowers too. Trust your tour goes well. -Susie
Your tea cups are wonderful and also your flowers.
Loved reading about your journey in the Cotswolds. Your Hydrangea is really beautiful.Enjoy your Japanese visitors. Shirley of N.Z.
Lovely photos as usual Carolyn. I love the pastel teacup stack. Lovely!I am back from my restorative break. Thanks so much for your kind wishes when I was gone. I have a new address for my blog and Tuesday Cuppa Tea…www.antiquesandteacups.info.
Lovely lovely photos. Those new tea cups are just incredibly beautiful and delicate. What a pleasure it is for me to visit your inspiring blog. Have a wonderful week.
I love the peachy colour of the tulips, they look lovely with the hydrangea. Good luck with the garden tour.
I love your sweet teacups fresh from a charity shop in England. I enjoyed reading over your posts from your trip and it looks simply wonderful! You always do such wonderful photography. I hope your Tour goes well!
Beautiful hydrangea and tulips, have fun with your Japanese tour!
I do love your new English teacups, Carolyn. They are really sweet! It's lovely to have such pretty momentoes of your holiday in England.
The hydrangea is gorgeous and so are the tulips. Do you think it will ever warm up? Thank you for coming to tea.
That's a gorgeous teacup and I know it was precious cargo!
Catching up :)
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