Saturday, January 25, 2025

Winter White

Hello everyone,

How are you? I know it has been a very
long time since I posted here so I
thought I would check in to let you
know I am still here.


I am doing a winter white theme here
today as it is a cold but sunny day here
with a good cover of sparkling white snow.

I am enjoying staying indoors by the fire today but
decided to look through my old photos for awhile.

The Boathouse in winter whites.

                                                              Drinking lots of tea today

I hope your winter is going well and 
take good care of your selves!

Thank you for stopping in !


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Red Roses Tea

Hello everyone,

I hope you are having a great summer.
We have had a beautiful summer here
on the Island.

I decided to enjoy a little summer
tea on the porch today with a 
bouquet of some of my red roses
from a large pot on the balcony.

A mix of red and white transferware with
a pretty handmade checked tablecloth
along with the red roses was perfect
for my tea time. I love that I could
admire the garden while enjoying my tea
and scones.

The antique tea pot was a thrift find. 

I know it has been a long time since I
posted here even though I have been
taking can check some
out on my Instagram by the same name
as my blog if you like.

I hope you enjoyed my summer tea
on the porch.

Enjoy the rest of your
is going by so quickly.

Thank you for stopping by!
Take care,