Monday, January 30, 2023

Hammock Days

Hello everyone,

I am back today with a hammock theme.

I love winter shots of our hammock
as much as the summer ones.

I am not sure about you.....maybe you
only enjoy summer hammocks.

                                                          A snowy winter day

A touch of red 

An early morning shot with a mist
on the pond.

A vintage quilt to add color to
the hammock.

An early autumn day

A good place to enjoy the beauty
of the garden.

                                      A shady spot to enjoy a book and a cool drink.

Summer days by the sea.

Well, that is all my hammock shots for today.

Thank you for visiting,


Friday, January 27, 2023

Blue & White

Hello everyone,

I hope your week is going well.
January is flying by or so it seems.

As I mentioned in my last post I am
sharing a blue and white theme today.
Blue and white is my favorite so I
have lots of photos today.

A corner in our cottage~ Ocean Song.

Blue and white in our garden.....
a pretty tea time.

Our bed nook at our cottage

Croquet anyone?

Tea in the garden with the fragrance
of roses anyone?

Ocean Song again

Of course, as a lover of blue and white I
have collected lots of blue and white china
over the years.

Blue and white tea with pretty lilacs.

I love this teapot that my husband gave
me several years ago. The bouquet
from our garden makes my heart sing too!

Lots of beauty in our June garden.

Biscuits and tea anyone?

Another garden tea

A charming little cottage in Provincetown Cape Cod.

Our little blue garden shed.

Since,I have shared several summer teas,
I will now share some winter teas which
are more in keeping with our present

I hope you will let me know if you enjoy
my color themes and if there are
any other themes you would like to see.

Have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Mellow Yellow

Hello everyone,

On this sunny winter day I am sharing
some of my sunny mellow yellow
photos . These were taken over the years
that I have been blogging so it is
a yellow theme day today.

A sunny Easter Tea in our little sunroom.

Love these yellow Celebration roses from
David Austen with the pretty tea cup.

Yellow flag iris around the pond
look pretty.

A beautiful yellow peony was added to
my collection of peonies a few years ago.

A beautiful yellow heritage home with
a tea setting.

Some pretty handmade quilts add to
a tea time in our terrace.

Yellow always looks so cheerful.

I will end with my pretty teacup again.

I hope you enjoy my themed posts as I
am going to do a blue and white
theme next. I will have lots to
choose from there as I could
probably do a whole book
on blue and white.

Thank you for your visit!

Take care,


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Winter Car Boot Picnic

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
It was a lovely one here with fresh
snow and some sunshine.

I wanted to do a winter picnic photo shoot
for you so I gathered up my favorite
winter plaid picnic stuff and off we

We found a beautiful scenic road.

Now, we don't have a pretty truck or even
a pretty car but I did my best to
capture some winter beauty.

Some gingerbread cakes and hot tea
were just the thing for a winter picnic.

Well, that was fun and I have a few other
photos hoots I would like to do soon so
I will be back and I hope you will be too!

Take care, 
