Saturday, May 28, 2022

Cottage Living

Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

We are settling into our cottage routine
here and we have had lots of lovely
sunny days since we moved in.

Our cottage living space

We have a blue and white theme
at the cottage and I enjoy
this tray on the table.

We enjoy walking to the park nearby

We walk by this field of cows on
our way to the park. It is farm country

They have a field with a view!

We enjoy the lighthouses

Blockhouse lighthouse

Love having our laundry out on the line
to dry in the ocean breezes

Reading and watching the sailboats....
a good way to relax

I love waking up to this view in
the morning.

Now in case you think we have gotten
lazy , we do go home and work in the
garden several hours a week with
our friend Barbara who is enjoying
our home.

There will be more info on our
garden tea in a couple of days
so please stay tuned!

Thanks for visiting.


Friday, May 27, 2022

Coming soon.....!

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well.

There is lots going on here this
summer but one of the biggest
changes is that a blog friend from
California is living in our house for
the summer. I met Barbara and her
family a couple of times as they came
to tour our garden. It seems Barbara
and I are kindred spirits as we both
love gardening, pretty china,tea times,
and of course Prince Edward Island.

So as we were chatting and working
in the garden yesterday I asked
Barbara if she would like to
host a fundraiser tea with me
and she jumped at the idea.
So, we immediately started
planning menu,flowers,
china etc.

We are planning on a late June garden tea. 

The photos above are from my
Downton Abbey themed tea
a few years ago.

Barbara and I will be happily planning
this over the next week and I will keep
you posted. We have decided on donating
the proceeds to benefit the people of
Ukraine .....a very worthy cause.

I will have more details soon so check
back as there will be a limited number
of spaces available.

I have met so many lovely people
from all over the world
 through both the garden
and my blog.....never
realized that would
happen when I first
started blogging over
fifteen years ago!

Thank you for visiting,


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Spring Around our Pond

Hello everyone,

We have had some beautiful sunny
days here on the Island so nature
is putting on a good show.
I love all the fresh green colors
of the new growth.

It was a beautiful calm sunny evening
so I love the reflection in the pond.

Our little Boathouse is a
sweet little escape .

The serviceberry trees are in full
bloom now.They grow wild around
the pond,ditches etc.


Watching the ducks

                                                             A little bouquet for you
                                                             to enjoy on this beautiful
                                                             long weekend. 
                                                               I hope you have a lovely
                                                             Victoria Day weekend!

                                                                        Take care,


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

             Hello everyone,

             I hope you are doing well.
                   Spring is marching right along
                      here so it is now cottage season
                     as well as garden season.

We made a few small changes in
the cottage this year and we
have hosted a family gathering
here on the weekend.

I bought a new rug at Homesense
for the cottage and I love how it
looks in the living area of our
little Ocean Song Cottage.

The tulips and daffodils are out in
full force in our garden now.

So cheerful.

We have had some lovely spring weather
here lately and everything is getting very
green and lush....such a pretty time
of the year!
I am hoping to have a little more
time for photography so I hope
to be back soon.

Take care,