Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Well,another year over and a new one
just beginning.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

I am just sharing some winter photos from
the past here today.

The lighthouse in  Covehead with
a nice coating of snow.

We did manage to have  white Christmas here
this year and it was lovely. However, it rained
yesterday and melted it all so we are back
to green again. I almost expect to see my
daffodils poking up as it feels like
spring but I am sure winter will hit

Our Gardener's Cottage in the snow.

I have to admit I do love some snow in

Red and white transferware

A Christmas tea.

                                                        On the porch

I do enjoy a good cup of
tea especially in winter
after a nice walk.

Our little Boathouse by the pond in winter

Inside the Boathouse

One of my favorite Boathouse nook

A winter tea.

I wish you all good health and happiness
in the New Year!


Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Blessings!

Christmas Blessings,

I am just popping in to wish you all
 joy and love in the Holy Season as
we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

The tables are set for Christmas and I
am so happy that we can have all
of our family for Christmas dinner
this year since covid restrictions are
long gone.

A pretty street in downtown Charlottetown.

I have enjoyed my Christmas teas

I am going with a very simple Christmas
table again this year.

We have  three tables set up as we have 23
children and grandchildren joining us
for our family Christmas dinner.

The above shot was taken in our garden
a couple of weeks ago when we
actually had some snow. 
After rain and winds last
night we are back to green,
however, snow flurries are
predicted for tomorrow.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas


Christmas blessings to you all.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Winter Solstice

Hello everyone,

Happy winter solstice to you.
Today is the official first day
of winter but it has been unusually
mild here so what little snow we
had has all melted.
I am happy to hear that there are
snow flurries predicted for Christmas
day maybe a bit of
a white Christmas.

A corner in our bedroom by the fire.

A cozy place to read a book
and enjoy a cup of tea.


Our library decked out for Christmas.

It is hard to believe that Christmas is
almost here. I hope you have been
enjoying the season thus far.

I will pop in again at least once more
before Christmas.

Thank you for visiting,

Monday, December 12, 2022

Winter White In our Little Boathouse

Hello everyone,

We have a dusting of snow here now
but more snow is on the way for

I styled our little Boathouse nook for winter
a couple of days ago.

Over the past few years it has had a
number of different looks but white
is definitely one of my favorites

A warm cozy throw on the nook bed
with pretty white pillows and
some greenery make it a
magical little nook.

                                                          natural pine cones

I used a white wreath that my daughter
gave me.

                                                   After getting it all set up I enjoyed
                                                   a mug of hot chocolate and a sweet treat.

The above photo of our little Boathouse ,that
my husband and son built about 10 years ago,
was taken on a snowy winter day shortly
after it was built. Not sure if it will look
like this any time soon but who knows what
the winter has in store for us this year.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Christmas in the Dining Room

Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

There are lots of fun things going on now on
the Island. A friend and I really enjoyed  seeing
all the Christmas trees showing all the trends over
past generations at the Lefurgey  Centre in
Also, the Victorian Christmas was very enjoyable as
well at Beaconsfield in Charlottetown and it is still
on if you are in the area and would like to check it out.

I put up the last of our Christmas trees this
week so our dining room is set for the season.

My son gave me this table and chair set as
he no longer had room for it so I am
happy to have a little change.

I have the table set with some of
my Friendly Village collection
which always looks pretty at Christmas.

The centerpiece with my sheep....
also gifted to me a few years ago.

We finally got a bit of snow again so I
went out for a walk this morning to
take a few pics. I always love to get
photos of snow with open water in
the pond.

Thank you for visiting me,
