Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Blue & White Tea with Lilacs

Hello everyone,

The lilacs are coming into full bloom
here and I am enjoying picking
little bouquets to enjoy indoors.

I was delighted to get a copy of this
beautiful Blue & White book by
Victoria.....especially since there
is a little feature of our garden in it.

If you love blue and white I am
sure you will love this book too!

Pretty linens,china and a bouquet

I do love blue and white in all shades.
The tulips are from our cottage garden,
so pretty with the lilacs.

Love this little covered dish from Bombay.

I hope you take time to enjoy
a cup of tea.

Our tickets are going well for
our afternoon tea for the Ukraine,
but still a few left if you are interested.
There is more info on the previous post,
if you would like to check it out.

Thank you for visiting,



  1. Carolyn, so many descriptions, but the main one, simply elegant! Your lilacs and tulips are truly lovely and are just so graceful looking in your fine blue pieces!!! Beautiful post!!


  2. What lovely tulips and lilacs which adorn these photos. I will be wanting the book I am sure! Can't wait to see the tea time photos ahead.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
