Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Welcome June and a Tea Update

Welcome June,

June is my favorite month so I
am always happy when it arrives.

It is also, the start of lilac season here
to make it even better.

I picked my first bouquet of the
season in our garden yesterday.

We have many different varieties in
our garden to extend the season.

                                            This was taken last June.

Love old buckets full of

A handmade basket with
a big bouquet of lilacs.

    It is time for tea!

   Just a little update on our garden
 tea for the Ukraine.....the
date is set for Saturday June 25
starting at 2:00 pm and
going until 4:pm.

Our theme for this tea is
Anne of Green Gables....
so a nice old fashioned
afternoon tea.
The price for this tea is
$35. per person and all
of the proceeds will
go to the Ukraine.

There is a LM Montgromery
conference here in Charlottetown
for a few days around that time
so  we thought an Anne of
Green Gables theme would
be very appropriate right
here in the land of Anne.

There will be a limited number
of tickets due to seating etc.
so please book early to
support this good cause.
You can email me at

Thank you for visiting!


  1. I love your theme and everyone will enjoy this time at your lovely home. I know it will be a great success.

  2. How lovely Carolyn! Best wishes for your tea!

  3. Your gardens are so lovely! What a worthwhile cause. Thank you for doing this!

  4. Omg..The picture’s beauty is amazing photographic work, Its provide much pleasure to me.💯
    I really want to repost in my instagram with somesubtitles..!! But the material cant be copied without infringing copyright, so I must ask for your agreement..If that’s possible, I'll tag your ID(ins/bolg url) repost it. please let me know.
    Thank you so much! 😭😂😭

  5. Do you have instagram?! Really wanna golloe you❤️

  6. How I wish I could be there!

  7. Hi Bbbye,
    Sorry I don't post on Instagram but you can post of few of my pictures on your account if you like.
    Thanks for asking.

    1. Thank you❤️ i really love your photos!!

  8. Quel dommage d'être française, et vivre si loin. J'aurais tant aimer être à ce thé pour l'Ukraine."Anne aux pignons vert" est une des mes héroïnes préférées.
    J'aime beaucoup votre blog, auquel je suis abonnée grâce au traducteur de mon ordinateur, Votre jardin est absolument ravissant.
    Très bonne journée

  9. Oh! I so hope I can make this work. I would love to go ❤️ A kindred let me know about this. I wasn't getting notified of your updates. I'll try to fix that 💚 we met a few years ago🌸

  10. Спасибо за чудесные фотографии, прекрасные стихи и редкой красоты сирень! Будьте здоровы и пусть всё удаётся!

  11. So beautiful. I only have two tiny lilac bushes I planted last year, and so far haven't got a single flower from them.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
