Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Provincetown Cape Cod

                                                             Hello everyone,

                                   Last week my husband and I went on a holiday
                                   down to Cape Cod. It has been several years
                                   since we were there, so I was happy to be able
                                   to hop in our car and drive down.
                                     It is about a 13 hour drive from our house, so
                                  we stopped part way down for a night to break
                                   up the drive.
                                       The first night in Cape Cod we drove up to
                                   Provincetown at the far tip of the Cape.

                                     It is a charming little town by the sea and I
                                    loved seeing the pretty homes and gardens.

                                                    I love grey shingled houses.


They have beautiful little front gardens to enjoy.

Who doesn't love roses spilling over
a white picket fence?

A close up of one of my favorites

Lots of picket fences and arbors

It was fun to walk around the town on a
beautiful evening.

More of  weathered grey shingled cottages

We spent a few days touring the Cape and
even took a trip over to Nantucket which
has been on my bucket list forever.
I will share more pics later.


It was a rainy day today and Barbara and
I enjoyed a day in the kitchen making
food for the Tea Party on June 25th
All the tickets are now sold! Thank you
everyone for supporting this worthy cause.

We have washed and pressed all my prettiest
linens and will be sprucing up our screened
porch for the event so we should be organized
before the big day.....hopefully.

Thank you for visiting,




  1. Oh wow! Wish I had known, you drove right through my town of Orleans! Ptown is a fun place to visit and the pictures you captured are wonderful. Nantucket is one of my favorite places so I'm looking forward to seeing those pictures! Cheers!

  2. It is nice to get away, that is something I would like to do, you have shared such lovely photos

  3. Oh I love gray shingled houses too, with white trim!So beachy. The Oregon coast has many little towns that have little beach cottages, lots of them gray, weathered shingles with white trim. A picket fence makes it ever better, and roses even better! Your pretty peach dresses and teacup look so pretty. I wish I lived close enough to come to one of your tea parties! Glad you have some help! Marilyn

  4. Hi Carolyn. We are about three hours away from the Cape. LOVED your photos and look forward to seeing more. I have always enjoyed excursions there. So happy you made the trip! Sincerely, Susan

  5. Hi. I visited your site. So beautiful post


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
