Monday, June 28, 2021

Tea Among the Roses

Hello everyone,

   I hope you had a great weekend.
After working in the garden for
a few hours I decided it was time
for a tea break

The garden has so much in bloom
now that it is hard to decide where
to sit and enjoy a cup of tea.

I love how the Polaris rose is covered
with blooms right now so it is
a pretty place to enjoy our tea.

There is lots of fragrance as well as beauty
in the garden now as along with the roses
the peonies , the Ivory Silk Lilacs
are in bloom . I love their fragrance
and it seems to drift all around the
garden from the 3 big trees that we
have in the garden.

I decided to go pink today as the
roses are pink in the background.

The bouquets have three of my
favorite blooms......lilacs roses
and peonies.

A little peek at the garden. The Canadian Preston lilacs
are so pretty and bloom after the French Lilacs but are just
starting to pass when the Ivory Silk Lilacs bloom.You can
see the peonies blooming in the background.

I love taking a stroll through the Allee' Garden
especially when the lilacs are in bloom. This was
last week and all too soon the lilacs are starting
to pass.  

I hope you enjoyed tea in the garden
with me today.

I will share more of the garden soon.

Thanks for visiting


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Our Little Secret Garden

Hello everyone,

Tucked in behind fences is
our little secret garden.
Many of you have seen it
before but is very pretty
at this time of the year.

                       The  blue arbor built by my husband
                         several years ago leads the way
this little secret spot.

The white Deutiza shrubs are in
full bloom by mid June.

Did you notice the mirror at the back
with the statue in front of it. It
is to the left in this photo.

Last winter our old mirror broke after
several years of being out there all
year . I really missed it so I was
happy to replace it for $10 from
a yard sale.

       The bistro set was also a yard sale
find several years ago and I just
    gave it a fresh coat of blue paint.

I have had tea in this garden
a couple of times with different
I love the alliums that were
abundant in our garden this
spring. They are spreaders
though which is great up
to a point.

The garden is changing so quickly......
all my peonies are popping now
and the Korean Lilacs are in
bloom alond with the Canadian
Preston Lilacs so the garden
smells amazing too.
I took lots of photos so
I will share some soon.

Thank you for visiting


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Sensation Lilacs

Hello everyone,

I hope your week is going
It is such a beautiful time
of the year that it is hard
to take it all in.

I had a lupin post ready to 
share but somehow it disappeared 
twice so I decided to move on.
The lupins are beautiful here right
now as they grow wild along
country roads.

Sensation Lilacs are one of my
favorite lilacs.

An antique vase on the mantel
full of beautiful Sensation

A pretty bucket of lilacs
in the Boathouse nook.

The Wheat pattern teapot with lilacs
on the bedside table in the Boathouse.

Tea time with lilacs

Thank you for your visit 

Take care,


Friday, June 11, 2021

Apple Blossom Time

Hello again,

It is such a beautiful time of the
year here and there is so much
to enjoy here in the garden
that I have forgotten already
the hours we spent pulling
weeds etc. as we enjoy
the beauty of spring.

These photos were taken about
a week ago so already
everything has changed.

This is a weeping crab apple tree.

I love  this white  with hints of pink crab
apple tree.

There are two crabapple trees in
bloom near the Boathouse and
a Sensation lilac as well.

The crab apple tree on the right and
a  yellow bird magnolia on the
left  whichis in bloom now.
The crab apple trees are alrady
past their bloom time now.

You can see the crab apple from
the window seat in the Boathouse.

I did another photo shoot this
morning in our little
secret garden with the
Deutiza's in bloom.....
hope to share them soon.

Oh and yes Barbara it is  lupin season
here on the Island and they are probably
at their peak right pretty!

Thanks for visiting


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Tea In the Sunroom

        Hello everyone

                 Hope you are having a good week.

             After a couple of hot humid days it.
                was cool and very windy here today
          so it was a good day for tea in our
little sunroom.

I picked a couple of colorful bouquets
from the garden to enjoy.

The early peonies from my Dad's garden
are in bloom now along with the
allium and snowball bush so it
was easy to make a colorful this time
of the year.

Blue and white transferware
was my choice today to go
with the blue enamalware
coffee pots holding the

I almost forgot my sugar cookies
to go with our tea.


                                                              I have been taking lots of photos lately
                                                             as the garden is looking pretty and
                                                            changing everyday.
                                                             Hopefully I will have time to post them
                                                                 Thank you once again for visiting



Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Lilac and Tea in the Garden

Hello everyone,

It is a hot summer day here and
the garden is in full swing.

I am enjoying all the beautiful
lilacs blooming now so I decided
it was time for a tea in the garden.

    I love the fragrance of all the lilacs
in the garden so this is a lovely
spot to enjoy their beauty.

The Spode teacups look so
pretty with the lilacs.

We have many different varieties of
lilacs in our garden but these beauties
are the common lilac that came from
my husbands grandmothers farm many
years ago and they are my best bloomers.

The antique vase was a gift from a

         A pretty bouquet by the pond.

      I have lots more photos that I
              took of my lilacs and hope to share
       This is such a beautiful time of
       the year and I would love to be
   able to capture the beauty to
enjoy all year long.

          Hope you are enjoying your week!

Take care
