Hello everyone,
It has been awhile since I posted as spring
is such a busy time here in the garden.
The garden is coming along well and ai
feel we are a little ahead of some years
Our daffodils will soon be past and
our tulips are are in full bloom.
The lilacs have lots of blooms on them
this year and will soon bloom.
I love this time of year with new leaves
on the trees and lush green grass along
with colorful bulbs in bloom etc.
These photos were taken almost two
weeks ago and already the garden
has changed .
I hope you are enjoying your spring.
I am sorry that I have been so lax here
on my blog but time is flying by .....
I will pop in when I can spare the
time and I am sure you are
busy too!
Thanks for visiting,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden. You are missed.
It is beautiful
Bonjour Carolyn,
It seems ages since I visited your blog. Your garden is still beautiful as well as your photos. A pleasure for the eyes.
Here in the region of Paris, the vegetation is a little more advanced although this year, in my garden, the roses are not yet in bloom due to a cold April and chilly and rainy May. Good continuation.
Hélène G
Happy Memorial Day weekend, Carolyn. Your garden is just beautiful, as is your blog!
Always such a treat to be invited into your garden! Pleasurable to see your spring flowers, since here in North Georgia, spring is just a memory. Have had several days in upper 80 to 90, so azaleas are gone, roses and butterfly bush and lillies out in full bloom, and much nicer to enjoy the yard from the screen porch with some iced tea than being out digging. Looking forward to watching your garden evolve through the season. Have a lovely week.
Such pretty flower
Everything is so pretty and colourful! It seems that you are behind us here in southern Ontario by perhaps a month...here (I live near Windsor) our lilacs are done blooming and now the peonies are out. That surprises me, as I would assume that living near the ocean as you do the climate would be more mild...do you have a long winter in PEI?
Such a beautiful sight to see all of your tulips and daffodils and other pretties! It must be so lush and green there right now and I'm sure, a ton of work! We have a small little yard and it is STILL alot of work! So many flower beds mean "so many" weeds to pull! .... and edging.. and trimming.. and pruning or deadheading already. But I'm loving all the color.. here.. and there. I always love your posts and look forward to them! Marilyn
So lovely!! This time of year is very busy! Gardening is the best thing I konw, nowadays. :)
Lovely springtime flowers in your garden, Carolyn -- I look forward to your next posts. Best Regards, -Beth
Dear Carolyn,
Your garden is a miracle! LOVE
Wishing you a beautiful day,
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
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