Hello everyone,
We had a beautiful sunny warm day
here today and the garden is realyy
jumping ahead.
As I was looking at my photos
of the garden from last year I
realized that I hadn't posted
thes photos of our garden
from last year of our
June garden.
June is my favorite time in the garden
as everything is so lush and green.
It is also when the peonies and
lilacs bloom....two of my favorites.
Peonies,hostas, geraniums,
lupins and lilacs.
I love peonies in all colors.
William Baffin is a hardy climber
for our winters.
Sarah Bernhardt peony
We have over 100 peonies spread
out over our garden mixed in
with other perennials.
I love peonies,roses and
lilacs all together.
more peonies
We have spent several hours a day
in the garden this past couple
of weeks and still have several
beds to clean up but we have
our eye on the big picture
and can see the beauty to
come. When the beds fill in
there will be less work to do
and lots of beauty to enjoy.
To Debbie R who asked for a tip
on starting a garden, it all starts
with good soil. We have enriched
our soil with mushroom compost
several times over the years.
Next tip would be the right plant
in the right place, so make sure
you read your tags ....sun
or shade, dry or wetter conditions
Have you all watched the show GardenAnswer
....there is lots of knowledge to be had
from watching it. I watch it on youtube.
I also watch English garden shows
whenever possible as I am a big
fan of their style. I love to get
inspired by beautiful gardens.
As we clean up each bed I
often end up dividing and
moving things around
hoping to make little
improvements as we go.
So far,it has been an earlier spring
then usual and rain is predicted
for a couple of days so things
will really take off!
Thank you for your visit!
I love peonies!! <3
Just beautiful. I so enjoy your beautiful gardens and home. Please send some rain our way! Sadly, it looks like California will be suffering from another very dry summer.
All totally wonderful! This year will be just as wonderful too I am sure!
After our big snow last week (and yes today it was in the 80s, what on earth?)
I am worried about my lilacs. We covered them but the top half cover blew off.
The crabapple tree didn't seem affected, it is glorious. The roses and peonies we covered too - praying they aren't affected.
Did you get that Arctic freeze way up there, too, Carolyn? I actually thought of your beautiful gardens when we were trying to save our few measly lovelies.
Hi Michele
We had a cold spell here too but not enough to harm our garden.
Hope your garden wasn't hurt by the cold and hot fluctuation.
Have a wonderful spring!
Everything is just beautiful! Love your gardens! :-)
Buongiorno, il suo giardino è semplicemente meraviglioso. Peonie, lilla, rose e tutti i fiori sono la gioia per i nostri occhi. Serena giornata 🌹💚
Carolyn, may I please ask a question about these most beautiful gardens? Do you just leave the soil bare and let the plants fill in the space? I don't see any wood chips anywhere. If you don't put down wood chips, how do you control the weeds?
I always wanted to do this (let the garden be completely filled in with plants) but each year I fail and the weeds take over and choke out my plants. I have chronic illness and I can't spend more than half an hour outside working, and not that every day. Last year was particularly bad as I was recovering from covid in the summer, and I did hardly any weeding at all. The bed in front of my front porch is so badly filled with quack grass I fear the only thing I can do now is put down a patio!
At any rate, the gardens you have pictured here look like a piece of heaven. I'm sure a great deal of work went into them! Just so beautiful.
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