Hello everyone,
I hope you are enjoying a lovely
weekend. We are having some
beautiful summer weather here
so we took some time to relax
and enjoy it.
I wanted to share some photos
of some new Itoh peonies that
have just finished blooming
in our garden.
This one is called Bartzella.
I bought these peonies here
locally from Vesey's Seeds.
They are a bit unusual and
definitely add a pretty pop
of color in the garden or
in a bouquet.
I bought a few of them when
they were on sale.
Just a little bit of peacefulness
from Ocean Song Cottage on
a perfect summer day.
Thank you for your visit and
I hope you have a beautiful day!

Bartzella's are a pretty peony and an usual color in that they are yellow. Unfortunately, they won't grow this far north (Interior Alaska); however, a few other Itoh's will: Singing in the Rain, Magical Mystery Tour, and Smith Family are three. Our herbaceous peonies do very well, though.
They are uniquely lovely and a first for me. I have never seen a yellow peony.
Your peonies are beautiful! Fantastic photos.
Beautiful pictures. I've never seen yellow peonies.
Have a nice weekend and take care
Dearest Carolyn,
This Bartzella Itoh Peony is a dream!
Enjoy your summer season.
Good Sunday Mornin', Carolyn!
Well, now! That's a BEAUTIFUL peony, alright! I have the Vessey's catalogue & enJOY having a browse. Next time we are on PEI, we plan to make a trip to Vessey's.
We would love to be back at your cottage this year, enJOYing your company & admiring that stunning view. It is a treasured memory & we feel very blessed to have experienced it. Thank you for your friendship, hospitality & your blog, so we can relive it!
I will give you a call one day soon just to say "Hello" & chat.
Love, Linda & Midge
Wishing you a beautiful day,
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
The peonies are luscious! So glad to hear from you in your last two postings - I was beginning to wonder if you were okay.
Superbi bujori, draga mea!
Anul acesta am avut si eu niste bujori mai deosebiti. Unul a fost initial roz apoi a devenit auriu.
Imbratisari, Mia
Amazing! So pretty. Love your tranquil views also. Hope you are enjoying a lovely summer. J.
Such pretty flowers
I like this place :)
I've never seen a yellow peony! It's lovely.
Had absolutely no idea yellow peonies even existed. Glad you bought them - look how many readers learned something new!
Your cottage area views are stunning. We all need a little respite from the worries of the day. Thank you for that.
Such a beautiful view. The yellow peonies are gorgeous. I wasn’t aware they came in yellow. I guess we are all surprised.
These peonies are stunning. I have never seen a yellow peony. I'll have to check out Versey's.
Your peaceful pictures were a nice start to my day.
Hello Carolyn,
I was enjoying your post as usual when the red cliffs of PEI rising out of the ocean sucked the breath from my body. What a beautiful sight! Our family visited three years ago this month and I felt that I had arrived "home." DH and I yearn to be back and were tentatively planning a trip this year. Hopefully by next that will be possible. Blow kisses into the wind for me to the ocean, sea, and island, please, and thank you for sharing your lovely world with us.
Shani x
Missing your blogs. I hope you're all well and OK.
Peonie stupende. Come tutti i suoi fiori 🌹🌹🌹
Beautiful are your photos on your blog:
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