Saturday, May 16, 2020

Spring Tea in the Garden

Happy weekend!

It is a long weekend end here
and good things are happening!
The garden centers have opened
up so it is nice to finally wander
around and see all that color again.
Also, we finished giving all our
garden beds a good clean up and
a bit of a refresh....dividing and
moving things around a bit.

The weather has improved and
things are starting to bloom.

We had a little accident with the
big mirror behind the cement
statue as the wind broke the
fence loose causing our big mirror
that we enjoyed for years to shatter.
So, we had to come up with a replacement.
I had this mirror on the porch so with
a pair of old shutters it now fills the spot.

Color starting in the garden.
We  have hundreds of daffodils
in bloom now.

I gave my old watering can
a refresh with some paint
and a few daffys.

We filled several pots with
daffodils this year. I like
how I can move them around
the garden.

Finally, it is time for tea in
the garden using my blue
and white transferware china.

I always enjoy tea in the spring here
as it is a sheltered spot and  it fills
in nicely in here. The magnolia is
just starting to bloom so I will
share this area again soon.

I hope you enjoy your weekend

Take care,



  1. Happy May 24 Weekend, Carolyn & Andrew!

    Ahhh, cheery blue & yellow! Very pretty & energizing! I will have to learn your tips for daffodils in pots; mine never seem to wot out somehow. I think bandit squirrels are stealing my tulip bulbs in pots, not sure if they care for daffodils much, though! LOL

    We enJOYed breakfast tea this morning using my Royal Albert "Blossom Time" collection. I Love the creamer & sugar pot you gave me some years ago. :-) Please say, "Hello" to Heather & Bruce for us! Still loving my sheep art! Baaaahaha XOXOXOXO

    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  2. Beautiful! So glad Spring has arrived in your area.

  3. Long weekends or short weekends all weekends are bloody great


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
