Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Gardener's Tea

Good morning,

It is another cloudy cool day
here so I staying indoors for
a bit as I wait for the weather
to improve .
I don't usually mind working
in the garden on cool days as
I like to get the garden chores
done before the heat arrives.

However, today I am going to
linger over my tea and reflect
on the garden for awhile.
The teacup is Florence by
Skie Mc khie.

We have done a lot of  digging out of
weeds or even perennials that seem
to want to take over the beds.
I have to admit that we did neglect
the garden somewhat last year
as we enjoyed cottage life.
However, we are back on track now
and I am looking forward to seeing
the improvements we have made.

Love having our geraniums on
windowsills around the house
but as soon as our night time
temperatures warm up they
will go back outdoors for the

I think I see some breaks in the clouds
so I will go back out to the garden and
clean up a few more beds. I think they
should all be cleaned up by the end of
the week and then we can go back
to the first ones we did and give
them a refresh. Soon the beds will
be filled in and looking good!
The garden is the perfect distraction
from all that is going on in the world
and I do enjoy being out there again!
At the end of the day I am tired but
happy with all we got done.
This is the first spring that my husband
has been retired so we are having
double the fun! Ha! 

Hope your week is going well.



  1. Hope you enjoyed your tea break, and that warmer weather days will soon be there for you to enjoy your gardens outdoors. Thanks for posting your beautiful scenes! Best, -Beth

  2. I wish my flower beds looked like yours! We had a herd of 7-9 deer in our yard the other day so I have to spray the plants every time it rains. Last year they ate everything, even my hostas! Not sure if its worth trying again this year, but I will. I think we need a dog.

  3. I just skimmed through my Victoria Classics "Flowers & Gardens" and immediately recognized your place. I can't wait to begin reading it Friday night throughout the weekend. Weekdays are just too busy. I've tried geraniums before and unfortunately they don't fare well for me. Another is the begonias in hanging baskets that look like roses, not the other smaller begonias you plant in a garden bed. We received 2 inches of rain during a thunderstorm this morning and it has finally quit but may have another storm later this evening. Have a great weekend

  4. Oh Carolyn, you always inspire me to be a better garden keeper. I don't know how you do it - your joints have to be so much more nimble than mine. I just ache and ache! That is why my gardens are so bleh.

    I sure love yours. One day - Bucket List- I hope to see them!

    Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.


  5. I love how beautiful your geraniums are! When you have the opportunity, I'd love to learn how you keep them so beautiful all year. I really enjoy your posts and look forward to them. Blessings to you!

  6. I've been a long time reader and always feel inspired by your words and pictures. Thank you for all you share! The inspiration feels like the best prescription with the state of the world right now. Happy spring to you, today is the first day I feel like spring has landed in my area of New Hampshire.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
