Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day !

Happy Mother's Day!

I just wanted to take a moment to
wish all you lovely Mom's a
day full of blessings
and joy.

I am happy that we are now
able to have 5 members of
our family in our home
at a time......10 if
it is outdoors but
it is a very cool windy
day here today so indoors 
it is in shifts of 5 at
a time.

I hope you enjoy a  sweet
afternoon tea today.
Don't you love those peonies
above.....they are called
Do Tell.

                                               Well,it is almost time for our
                                                         for our next batch of family
                                                          visitors to arrive so I will
                                                          see you later!

                                                                        Happy Mother's Day!



  1. Happy Mother's Day. I will be so happy when we can be with our family again - hugs and all!

  2. I had a good Mother's Day and hope you did too

  3. Happy Mothers Day to you as well. So glad you were able to spend some time with family.

  4. Love those peach roses! Glad you got to spend some time with your family. My son is hours away and we are still not travelling much.. and still staying away from everyone! Take care....

  5. How wonderful to have family members enjoy a lovely tea on your special day, Carolyn. I am so happy for you. Susan

  6. You are a true gardener...I have loved looking at your posts for years. Keepup he good work.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
