Tuesday, May 5, 2020

An English Tea

Hello everyone,

I hope your week is going well.

It is a damp cold day here today
so I needed a cozy afternoon tea
in our library with my English


I love this little dog .

I always think of England when I
use this charming teapot that I
bought several years ago in
Nova Scotia.

   My tea tray is all set.

                                                    Some one(Judi) asked me for the name
                                                    of this teapot recently and I forgot
                                                    to reply so the markings on it are
                                                    the bottom photo ....Price Kensington
                                                     and the teacup is the top ,,,,royal Vale.

                                                     I have seen the cup and saucer around
                                                     occasionally but I have never seen the
                                                     teapot anywhere else.

I took this shot in Chipping Camden,England
on our last trip there so my English
teapot brings back good memories
as there were lots of similar
little thatched cottages .

I hope we have a return to warmer
weather soon but in the mean
time I can always enjoy
a good cup of tea..

Take good care,



  1. Hy Carolyn,
    what a beautiul English china. I think the afternoon tea was wonderful and you've enjoyed it very much.
    Take care

  2. In Virginia we are experiencing uncharacteristically chilly days, with predictions of freezing temperatures for the morning of Mother's Day. I long for warmth, sunshine and an end to this pandemic. Your tea vignette is charming and exudes a sense of peace. Thank you for sharing. May your family remain safe and healthy.

  3. Every time that our granddaughter comes to visit, weather permitting, we have a tea party in my garden. Very formal, pearls required, and of course, hats! She's only 7 so it's easy to make the effort for her. My garden isn't as colorful as yours -- very shady with ferns, hostas and hydrangeas. I usually add impatiens for color but this year I haven't made it to the nursery yet. Just hope that there are some left when I do get there. I hope you are all well. Hoping this nightmare virus will be over soon. Take care. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden.

  4. I love the teapot. I have a saucer and mug with that design, but I too have never seen the teapot.

  5. Such a beautiful spot for tea! Pretty china and adorable little doggie figure. So cheery!

  6. Thanks Carolyn for answering my question about the maker of this china teapot! I'm going to see if I can find some pieces like it. I love thatched roof cottages and have a lot of collector plates with pictures of them as well as other needlework projects and art work. So I'd love to add a piece like this to my collection. I share your love for tea, gardening and antiques! I also have 8 children and 17 grandchildren!
    Judi Olson

  7. The china is charming, and English afternoon tea is one of my absolutely favorite things, but that cottage is to-die-for! We're having a bit of cool weather here at night in northern California - well, cool for California, but our days have been heavenly. Thank you for the lovely post, Carolyn.

  8. Oh that's such a pretty teapot! My mom travelled to England several times and came back with lovely china and teaports, but haven't seen any like this one. A gray day is perfect for a cup of hot tea, some candle glow and a favorite goodie! We've been having unseasonably warm days here in central Oregon. Saturday is supposed to be up to 85! summer is here! Marilyn

  9. Beautiful! Have a wonderful day!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
