Sunday, May 3, 2020

        Hello everyone,

        I hope you had a good weekend.

            We are happy to have our covid 19 
          restrictions relaxed a little bit here
           so we can have outdoor visits with
        up to five people while keeping
       six feet apart. So we had some
             family visits in person for the first
time in weeks. yea!!!
           The above bouquet was my first
                   garden of the season and I am happy
                to have some colorful blooms in the 
garden again.

                 We were able to do a lot of gardening
           this past week and it is a joy to be
          outdoors again with visions of all
the beauty to come.

Since I was working in the garden all
   work I didn't have time to take any new
photo so I hope you don't mind some

                                                  This is a shot in the Boathouse
                                                   when it was first built .

Some pretty cupcakes

                                                       A summer tea time on the porch.

Pretty linens

A summer tea

Love pink and aqua

                                                         Pretty china

                                                  Well, I hope to have more to
                                                  share with you soon as the Island
                                                  as well as our garden turns lush
                                                  and green once again.

                                                                  Please take good care,



  1. These are beautiful Carolyn and I don't ever mind seeing a repeat picture! Those cupcakes are darling. The first thing I'm going to do when our restrictions are lifted is have a wonderful tea party! Here's a recipe from authoress Susan Branch on Martha's Vineyard, MA. I just made these and they are fabulous!

    Lavender Tea Cookies
    Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper
    1 Cup of unsalted butter
    2/3 C minus 1 T superfine sugar (recipe was adapted from an English recipe)
    1 egg beaten
    1 ¼ Cups minus 1 T self-rising flour
    1 T lavender buds (culinary grade only)
    Cream butter and sugar together, add the egg and beat well. Stir in flour and flower buds. Drop teaspoon full onto the parchment paper, spacing widely to allow for spread. Bake 15-20 minutes until pale golden and edges turn brown. They will be very soft until cooled. Store in an airtight container. Makes 30 tea cookies. Enjoy! Happy Days ahead!

  2. Hi Sandi,
    A tea party is something to look forward to for sure!
    Thank you for the sounds so good and perfect for that tea party hoepefully coming soon!
    Take care

  3. Buongiorno, è sempre un grande piacere vedere le sue foto. Che seguo da anni 🌹


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
