Monday, May 25, 2020

Victoria ~ Flowers & Gardens

     Hello everyone,

   I hope you are doing well.
       Here,on the Island everything
     is becoming lush and green.
      Our garden has lots of color
        as the tulips and daffodils and
                 other spring bulbs are all blooming
                    now. All the birds have been singing
              away as they have built their nests
        and are caring for their  young.

          I was excited to receive a copy of
      Victoria's  Flowers & Gardens 
   magazine in our mailbox last
    week as our garden is featured

I enjoyed curling up with a cup
of tea and enjoying all the beautiful
It is on shelves now so you
can pick up a copy to enjoy.

Our tulips are blooming now
so I am happy to enjoy them
in the garden but also in bouquets.

We spent some time at Ocean Song
cottage lately where we had no internet
so I wasn't able to post  but did
enjoy walks on the beach and
reading my books in the
evenings. Sometimes
that is just what we need.


Thank you for stopping in and I hope
you have a great week!

Take care,


  1. Goood Mornin', Dear Carolyn!
    What a magnificent teacup & those tulips!!! I'd love to know their name, if you can remember. Lol
    I'm running out to buy Victoria now! EnJOY this wonderful day in your incredible garden!
    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beatiful Ideas

  2. Oooh! Just ordered my copy of "Flowers & Gardens", I will look forward to it coming! The new banner of your blog is gorgeous. Enjoy your charming cottage and your spectacular garden as it emerges! ❤️🌷

  3. Congrats on being featured in the magazine. Your gardens so WELL deserve being in a beautiful magazine for everyone to see and delight in! Your tulips are just gorgeous. I'm so partial to pink. We're going to have some hot weather this week.. and we had a good soaker rain last week, so things in our yard are really lush and I swear our shrubs grew a foot overnight! Wish we had more color, but am working on it. Marilyn

  4. I picked the magazine up just a couple of days ago. I was reading the intro page that talked about the gardens featured at St Edwards Island and before turning the page I said to myself, "One of these gardens will be Carolyn's." And it surely was, Congratulations. The photos and articles were magnificent. I truly enjoyed the article.

    Carolyn/N FL

  5. I left a comment earlier and it just disappeared??? I just picked up this magazine and was delighted to see the article about your garden, Congratulations. You continue to inspire.

    Carolyn/N FL

  6. I so enjoyed getting my copy and seeing the feature on your lovely gardens. I think they are a lot more wonderful of course than the photos depict. I will be excited to see your springtime garden this year. Also, I am pointing you to a recipe in the magazine too. I had made it once in Colorado and after an hour search to no avail in my files - I gave up and there it was - on page 79-80 the Asparagus and Cheese Tartlets. I think I may have sprinkled a little ham on mine too.

  7. Hello Carolyn - I just read your beautiful story in Victoria Magazine this afternoon all the way over the other side of the world here in Australia. It is lovely to find your blog and see more about your garden and also feast on your lovely photographs.
    Thank you for welcoming us in as inspired readers. Sending blessings from Down Under.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
