I hope you had a lovely Easter.
We enjoyed ours even though it
was quiet with just the two of us.
Since Easter we have put in lots
of hours in the garden......raking
pruning etc. It does feel so good
to be out there. There are lots of
birds singing in the garden and
they are busy building their nests.
Today, was a cooler day so I
decided it was time for a little
change in the house after I did
some cleaning.
So, the chaise came back down to
the bay window where you can enjoy
relaxing with a cup of tea while
enjoying the view of the garden as
it brings forth it's beauty.
I covered the chaise with a little
toile quilt that my daughter gave me
and a pretty quilted sham that goes
well with it. It is easy to change it
up whenever I like though.
A pretty pink teacup
My beautiful geranium that came
up from the basement a couple of
months ago. It seems to get bigger

Well, it was nice to make a little
change or two in the house but I
am looking forward to getting back
out to the garden tomorrow.
It was exciting to get Martha's garden cleaned
up yesterday and the bistro set and some planters
in there.
As soon as it it fills in with some color
I will be able to have tea in the garden
I hope you are doing well and staying
Take good care,
I admire your stamina to do all that gardening, but your results are so beautiful I'm sure it's so rewarding. Love the pops of pink! Stay well!
Could you please do a post on how you over winter your geraniums in your basement? Thanks so much.
I bet your garden will be beautiful before long! That geranium is just GORGEOUS! I'm amazed it was a "winter over" plant. Wow! I'm actually getting outside now to clean up, prune, etc. as we've had alot of warm days in the 70's.. it really invigorates me! Love your new chaise look and the pretty pink cover and pillow sham.... I put a new throw over the back of our couch (but the cats lay on it and love it) which is a nice aqua color and I really like it. I'm actually in the mood to move some furniture around! Marilyn
Hi Dizzylzzy,
The big geranium you see in this post was simply put in our cool dark basement in Oct. pot and all ,cutting off the blooms only and watering aprox. once a month until late Feb. when I took it upstairs. I then took off any dead leaves and watered itand about a week later I started to fertilize it.I didn't take long until it had flower buds on it. I do that with several of them but others from windowboxes and planters I just throw into a plastic tub and water occasionally. When I take them up I usually cut them back,pot & water them and wait for new leaves to grow before fertilizing them. I usually lose some on this method so I try to leave as many in pots as possible. Of course, if you have bright sunny window sills you could just keep them all winter if you like. Hope this helps you for future geraniums.
Take care,
Oh, to take a nice break on the chaise, read, and sip tea~so lovely with the pink and white. Gorgeous geraniums!
Thank you for happy mail! Lovely to see one of my favorite summer plants. Pink geraniums. I love their leaves, smell, and of course flowers. Not many basements in eastern North Carolina and since we need covered porches for the summer not as much interior light in the winter. I so wish I lived in the north. Looking forward to your garden!
Karen in NC
Beautiful photos
Hello Carolyn,
I was wondering what kind of fertilizer you used for your pink geranium! it is gorgeous!
I have a red geranium and live in Central Florida and have not had a lot of sucess with them in the past but I love them....
Debbi Saunders
Hi Debbi,
I used Miracle Grow ~ Ultra Bloom on my geraniums.
I hope this helps your geraniums bloom well for you.
Take care
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