Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tea and Muffins

                                                             Hello everyone,

                                                 I thought I would have been posting
                                                 last week but there was so much
                                                 to do in the garden that I didn't
                                                 get time.


I  did make some muffins for our
tea though and I thought I would
share the recipe with you.
I think many of us have been doing
more baking during this pandemic
and I notice that flour and yeast have
been in short supply .here lately.

                                                   I have been making these muffins
                                                   for years and we always enjoy them
                                                   with a cup of hot tea. I included the
                                                   recipe in case you would like to
                                                   try them too.
                                    Our weather is going to warm up
                                             starting tomorrow so I am hoping
                                            to have my first tea in the garden
                                            very soon.

                                                         Hope you are staying well.


Sunday, April 19, 2020

A Peaceful Garden Stroll

Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying a peaceful
Sunday snuggled in at home.

I thought you might enjoy a little
stroll through the garden quietly
enjoying the fragrance and the
song on the birds.

I am here quietly weeding while you take a stroll.

The beautiful mauve/ blue flower down
both sides of the alle are six hills giant
nepeta and although they are still there
they don't bloom as well now since the 
other plants have grown up and so they
get more shade now. Just goes to show
a garden is always changing!

Stay safe and stay well,


Thursday, April 16, 2020

A Chaise Tea Time


                                                I hope you had a lovely Easter.

                                                We enjoyed ours even though it
                                                was quiet with just the two of us.

                                                 Since Easter we have put in lots
                                                of hours in the garden......raking
                                                pruning etc. It does feel so good
                                                to be out there. There are lots of
                                                birds singing in the garden and
                                                they are busy building their nests.

                                                    Today, was a cooler day so I
                                                 decided it was time for a little
                                                 change in the house after I did
                                                 some cleaning.

                                                    So, the chaise came back down to
                                                    the bay window where you can enjoy
                                                    relaxing with a cup of tea while
                                                    enjoying the view of the garden as
                                                    it brings forth  it's beauty.

                                                         I covered the chaise with a little
                                                         toile quilt that my daughter gave me
                                                         and a pretty quilted sham that goes
                                                         well with it. It is easy to change it
                                                         up whenever I like though.

A pretty pink teacup

My beautiful geranium that came
up from the basement a couple of
months ago. It seems to get bigger

                                                  Well, it was nice to  make a little
                                                  change or two in the house but I
                                                  am looking forward to getting back
                                                  out to the garden tomorrow.

                                                     It was exciting to get Martha's garden cleaned
                                                   up yesterday and the bistro set and some planters
                                                    in there.

                                                      As soon as it it fills in with some color
                                                     I will be able to have  tea in the garden

                                                           I hope you are doing well and staying

                                                                      Take good care,



Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Blessings

                      I hope you are enjoying a peaceful, meaningful Easter.
             Although, it is not our typical Easter  Sunday here as
           we are still self isolating  but we  still have so much
to be thankful for .

Sunny yellow Easter tablescape
from the past in our sun room.

Christ is risen!

I pray our faith will bring us
though these uncertain times .



Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Time for Tea

      Hello everyone,

It has been sunny here the past
few days and most of our snow
is gone now so I am happy to
say garden season has arrived
here in our garden.
The last couple of days I have
been pruning our clematis and
some hydrangeas. Also, we are
cleaning up our yard from all the
winter debree 

I have also cleaned up the Boathouse
so it is a cozy escape from all that
is going on.

I find that we really need our tea breaks now
to give our bodies a little rest. It seems the 
days of 8 to 10 hours of garden work in
a day may be passed! 

         My newest teacup

Homemade biscuits  are
a lovely tea time treat.

Easter is rapidly approaching and it will
be very different here this year as we
are all social isolating this year.
Instead of having all our family here
it will be just the two of us.
However, we all understand
the importance of staying safe
at home this year.

         I wanted to end with a pretty spring bouquet
        and this one has special memories for me as
it sits on our little English cottage window in
Chipping Camden  |....Twine Cottage.
that we stayed in on our trip to
England several years ago.

We have some crocus blooming now
in our garden so I know there will
be lots to follow soon.

I am thankful that we can get
out into the garden again and
forget about all that is going
on in the world for awhile.

Take good care,


Friday, April 3, 2020

Cheerful Yellow

Hello everyone,

I am hoping to spread a little
bit of cheerful yellow here

I think we all need a break
from the grim news we keep hearing.

I am so looking forward to some
color in our garden.

I see new growth everyday in
the garden and while the
daffodils are poking up
it will be a few weeks
before we have a big display.

A sunny yellow porch

Barrels of pretty tulips

A cheerful quilt and some
spring daffodils.

A coffecake with a pretty

A little yellow teacup
with a beautiful rose.

My yellow bird magnolia

Love the little yellow finches in
the garden.

Antique china with a beautiful
bouquet of yellow roses from
our garden.

The snow is going here and the birds
are returning to the garden. I can't wait
to get out to the garden and start getting
it  ready for the season once again. 

Thank you for visitng and please
take care!
