Hello everyone,
I hope your week is going well.
I was looking at some of my old
photos for blog post theme today,
and I decided on these photos of
our pond in different seasons.
The pond in spring
Most years we have a pair of Canada geese
and their young on the pond.
A serviceberry tree blooming by the pond.
We planted some lupins to self seed around the pond.
Relaxing in summer
Pond reflections
Early winter by the pond.
I took this photo in early April
a few years ago after a late snowfall.
The geese come every spring as soon
as the pond thaws.
I took this shot yesterday after we received
about 25 cm of fresh snow on Sunday.
It was a beautiful day with the trees laden
with snow and the sun shining..
We had showers today with rain
coming tomorrow so the landscape
looks quite different today.
As I am typing this I am listening to
the news talking about stalking up on
groceries etc in case of a pandemic flu.
So what about you .....are you feeling
anxious or just waiting to see what
Hope all is well with you!

I enjoy your blog. The pond offers not only beauty, but tranquility. The tea services and the interior decor of your home and the cottage are so lovely. For me - a place to dream. It seems as if there are numerous insecurities in our world today - between politics, violent storms, violence and now the virus threat - it makes me want to retreat from time to time. Praying for peace~
Hi! I've followed your blog for years and love it. My favorite scenes are in the house, baking and teas. The teas that set a place for all of us visiting for the day. I don't relate as much to the garden-although I like it but not nearly as much as I do to china and teas and tea foods. I really believe that gardening well is a gift from above otherwise my yard would look like yours! My favorite room is your room full of books and fireplace. I could live in a library, I really could. My daughter travels all over the world and brings me tea. A book, a fresh pot of tea, Begee Adair music in the back ground; who could have a better moment to oneself away from the stresses of life if only for a couple hours. I love your beautiful china collection. Just one question...what is your favorite tea? I'm curious if it's a local brand or one found in Europe and/or USA? Best wishes for a lovely garden this year. I hope you are going to be ok if tourist from Japan come on tours. I think I heard we are going to have travel restrictions for Japan soon as they seem to be climbing in virus cases recently. All the best, Nonni
Hello Carolyn, Thanks for sharing your beauty with us all! We do need to allow our thoughts to wander to beauty and serenity in this world. Here on the Cape the stores have been stripped of hand sanitizer and people are buying in bulk. I shop for a woman who had me buy her three large packages of toilet paper, dish soap and laundry detergent. We all have to be careful and try not to over react! Blessings to you and yours!
Such a beautiful escape! Wish I lived in a more secluded place by the sea or in the woods.
Just the other day after reading the news I couldn't help but think of L. M. Montgomery and this quote from her poem.
When I am tired of toil and strife
And wearied of pursuing care,
I turn aside from real life
And build a castle in the air.
Your home is like the castle in the air Lucy speaks about. Lovely dream!
I have a question for you. How difficult is it to get health care in P.E.I.?
We retired last year and I always dream of living by the sea. Thanks. Anna
Thank you for the beautiful photos. Here in GA we have rain, but the daffodils and hyacinths are in full glory. Spring is coming quickly. Hard to think about flu and all the worries out there while seeing nature renewing herself. Have a lovely day.
Hi again! Just wondering if this site is moderated by an outside source? A couple of use asked questions and there was no reply only a one-side-fits-all response to all comments made. Just wondering...
So tranquil and idyllic. I especially love the pictures of the mother goose and her babies.
Yes, the corona virus makes me a little anxious, but I think it's important to take the necessary precautions recommended - by the CDC, here in the US - to put things in perspective, and realize that there have been contagious diseases around since the beginning.
Thank you for your always beautiful and delightful post, Carolyn. I just love reading your blog.
Hi Nonni,
Thank you for following my blog for years.I am happy to hear you enjoy our library photos. I must try to put a few more photos of the interior before garden season starts here.
I enjoy trying new teas and we do have Lady Baker's tea here locally which I really enjoy. Lately,I have been enjoying chai tea but often have peppermint tea as well.
Thanks for your concern about our Japanese visitors but we no longer do the tours as I wanted to have more free time in the summer to enjoy our cottage etc.Hopefully, the virus will be a thing of the past soon.
Take care,
Hi Annabelle,
Thank you.... I love that quote!
To answer your question about our health care, as you might know it is free here in Canada and I have no complaints.However, if you are new here you have to put your name on a list for a family doctor and just go to clinics until you get your own but for most it isn't a concern. I think it would be good to spend more on preventative medicine though in North America as a whole.Have you ever been to PEI....it is a lovely place to enjoy the sea in summer.
Thanks for your visit.
I love your pond photos! So tranquil and peaceful. The dock you sit on is a dream for me... I've always dreamed of living by a lake or pond.. I did live by a little creek once, and a waterfall, and I loved it. As far as the virus, there have been so many other scares and I think the media hypes it up... but I am a little concerned and more diligent about washing and sanitizing. We live in a very small town so I don't worry as much.. I've bought a few extra food items to store in our "prepper cupboard" (which is new to us), and I may get another pack or two of Toilet Paper! I don't think our town or anyone will be quarantined and I think that's why they say to have some extra foods, etc., in case quarantined for 2 weeks. I haven't noticed our stores being short on anything. Hugs.. Marilyn
Hi Awoleben,
Thanks for your visit and kind words. I agree taking a break from the news is sometimes best and taking time for prayer.
Take care,
Hi Sandi,
People are stalking up on those items here as well. Thankfully there are no cases of that flu here yet, anyway.
Thanks for your visits and lovely comments.
Hi Lisa,
It is good to keep things in perspective. I am happy to ear you enjoy my blog and I love that photo of the geese too....so peaceful to watch them on the pond!
Take care,
Hi Hyacinthb,
So lovely to have spring blooms in your area already. We had rain here today but still snow on the round so it will be awhile for blooms in our garden.
Thanks for visiting
I love your pictures, Carolyn. They are bits of beauty to be enjoyed on my breaks. I'm not worried about the pandemic. Seems to fall somewhere between the cold and flu mortality wise. I'll use the same precautions: wash, wash, wash hands, try to keep my hands off my face. Stay home if I'm sick. Mostly, here in the US, it feels like media and political overload.
How peaceful by your pond.
Waiting to see what happens.
So lovely! I have always wanted a pond and with these photos, now it's a must! It really is beautiful in winter. And the lupines! I have never been able to grown them, but maybe if I get a pond! I'm so glad you still blog, so many have gone to Instagram. It's how I unwind at the end of the day. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for your reply, Carolyn. I have been to PEI when I was a child with my parents and later returned with my husband. In 2017 my daughter and I went on a road trip to New Brunswick and fell in love with Grande Manan Island.I've lived in Ontario since 1964 when I moved from Italy but my dream is to live by the sea. I was born in Genova, Italy ( Christopher Columbus home town) which is by the sea. I guess once it's in your blood there is no forgetting. I love your blog. Thanks again! Anna
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