Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Back in the Kitchen

Hello everyone,

We are enjoying a little promise of
spring here the past few days but
I am sure we will some winter
days left too.

On our trip over to Halifax a couple
of weeks ago I bought a new tray
and the faux bouquet at Ikea.

A faux bouquet works good on this
table because the heat pump near by
is too hard on a real bouquet and I
have to say it looks pretty real to me.


This is the time of year that I
start taking some of my windowbox
geraniums up from the basement
to get them growing healthy new
leaves and some early blooms.
I think they have an old fashioned
appeal on a sunny windowsill.

It's teatime using my red
and white transferware again.

Thank you to all who wrote about Eventide Cottage
we were surprised by the early interest and I
hope to meet some of you this summer/fall.

Thank you for popping by today.


Thursday, February 20, 2020

Eventide Cottage

Hello everyone,

It is still very much winter here today
but it will be cottage season before
we know it......hopefully!

So, today I am sharing some photos
of the little cottage next door to ours
that my daughter and her husband bought.

                                                        The dining table has a beautiful
                                                        view of the water.

The little bedroom with a double
bed also has a beautiful water view.
There is another small bedroom with bunk

I wanted to share the view while lying
in bed at Eventide Cottage.

It is so pretty in aqua and white.

A cute kitchen with a full size frig
and stove on the opposite side(not shown).

     The bathroom has a cast iron tub.

There is a beach just below the cottage,
  perfect for sea glass hunting, walks on the
beach at low tide,clamdigging or even a swim.

Sailboats going by Eventide.

The back deck all set for lunch.

The front deck is perfect for enjoying the view
and listening to the waves on the shore.

                                      This summer Eventide Cottage will
                                               be available for weekly stays if you
                                               are planning a visit to Prince Edward
                                               Island and would enjoy a peaceful
                                               little getaway. You can get in touch
                                               with me at carolyn.mary.aiken@gmail.com

                                               If you would like to see more of Prince
                                               Edward Island you can check out my pinterest
                                               board on Beautiful Prince Edward Island

                                               Hope you enjoyed the tour!


Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Touch of Romance

       Happy weekend!

             I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's
Day yesterday.
         My husband and I decided to take a
     little trip to Nova Scotia for a few
 days so I am a little behind here
on my blog.....again!

Anyway, it was nice to get away
but nice also to be back home.

I love this romantic tea set with
dainty rosebuds on it.

                                                           A beautiful big bouquet of
                                                            tulips is so cheerful at any
                                                             time of the year but especially
                                                             appreciated in winter ...for me at least.

A romantic tea time from from
several years ago.

Soft and romantic.

I love the heart shaped plate that
matches the teapot below.

A bouquet for you before you go!

Thank you for visiting,


Monday, February 3, 2020

A Romantic Afternoon Tea

    Welcome Tea Friends

     It is nice to welcome in February,
   a month with romance.

This is one of my favorite
teapots.....perfect for
a Valentine's Day Tea.

Some pretty vintage teacups

                                      A few pearls and a pretty faux
                                                     bouquet adds to the romantic charm..

                                                   Valentine's Day is getting close ...
                                                            do you have any plans to celebrate
                                                              the day?

                                                                      I am off to do some decidedly
                                                                  unromantic work in my daughter's
                                                                  basement as we are helping her with
                                                                  a reno project.....looking forward to
                                                                  seeing the improvements though.

                                                                     Thanks for the lovely comments
                                                                     on my last post.....Lila and I enjoyed
                                                                                 Thanks for visiting,