Monday, April 29, 2019

Random Bits

                                                          I hope you had a great weekend.
                                                         It was windy and cool here.....
                                                         hoping it warms up soon.
                                                           I am enjoying some bits
                                                        of spring color in a sunny
                                                        window in our library while
                                                        I wait for some spring beauty
                                                        in our garden below.

                                                             It won't be long before we have
                                                             lots of spring beauty in the garden.

                                                             Some pretty pinks
                                                           My youngest granddaughter and I
                                                           painted the dollhouse and a pretty
                                                           aqua color and had a little tea party.
                                                         This little bedroom got a recent
                                                         makeover as we removed the toile
                                                         wallpaper and painted the walls
                                                         cloud white but more on this later.
                                                           A cheery spring tea

                                                        I love stripes and pastels.
                                               We spent our first night of the season
                                                      at our cottages watching the waves
                                                      roll in with whitecaps. We don't usually
                                                      have the whitecaps on the south shore
                                                      but it was so windy on Saturday.
                                                            I am making some curtains today
                                                      for the little bedroom as it seems too
                                                      cool and windy to enjoy gardening

                                                                    Thank you for stopping by,



Thursday, April 25, 2019

Blue & White Cottage by the Sea

               Hello everyone,

               I hope you all had a lovely Easter. It has
                       been awhile since I last posted here as spring
chores and projects took over.

                We took a day to clean up the cottage for
          the season a week or so ago so I am
           looking forward to being able to stay
       over there and relaxing for awhile.

                 This will be our 3rd summer for
         enjoying our little cottage.
                It was a fixer upper so it wasn't
            all just about relaxing but we
                       enjoyed seeing it all come together.

                                      As you can see we went with a blue 
                                    and white theme which I find so relaxing.

We still have some projects to finish
but in the meantime we can enjoy
the peace and beauty.

The needlepoint sailboat pillow was a thrift
find .....all I had to do was
make it into a pillow.

I enjoyed finding furniture etc. for
the cottage at yardsales etc. and
giving them a coat or two
of white paint.

I love this hedge of hardy roses and am
so glad that someone had the foresight
to plant them years ago.

It is a lovely place to enjoy tea time.

But you will often find me enjoying this view
at the front of the cottage on beautiful summer

Couldn't resist some sailboats inside.

                                            I love watching the sailboats go by.

                                                     I have been busy with garden cleanup,
                                                     furniture painting, a bedroom makeover
                                                     some sewing and Easter so I hope you
                                                     don't mind that I have been absent lately.

                                                       On a different note, our garden is
                                                        popping a little more each day.
                                                        Soon, I will be able to pick my first
                                                        bouquet of daffodils for the season.

                                                                Hope you are enjoying your week
                                                          and thank you for visiting me.



Saturday, April 6, 2019

By the Pond

                   Happy weekend!

                        I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
                         We have lost most of our snow here but
                                   we still have ice in the pond .....we need a few
                            days of warmer weather before it melts.

                                 The photo above was an early morning shot
                                with a mist rising off the pond.....a relaxing
place to sit for awhile.

                                                                 Iris growing around the pond.

                                                         A peaceful evening by the pond.
                                                             A spring shot with a young
                                                             crab apple tree in bloom.
                                                           As soon as the ice starts to melt
                                                           in the pond we have a pair of
                                                           Canada geese and a couple of ducks
                                                            that return to nest by the pond.
                                                            It is fun to watch them grow.
                                                            We planted some lupins around the pond.

                        Our Boathouse reflected in the pond.

       I took this shot  the middle of
       April a year or two ago when
we had a late snowfall.

                                              I love when the pond is ice free but we
                                                       have either a late snow fall or an early
                                                       winter snow fall.

                                                       I enjoy seeing the beauty of the pond in
                                                       all the seasons and watching the wildlife.

                                                                      I hope you enjoyed relaxing
                                                                      by our pond with me today!


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Garden Blues

                   Hello everyone,

                     We had some April showers here yesterday,
                     to bring on those May flowers that we look
forward to each year.
                     A tour around the garden yesterday  revealed
                     some spring bulbs poking up in several beds.
                   But moving on with our garden blues theme~
                  Although lupins grow wild here on the Island
            I enjoy having some in the garden as well.

                 Not all of my garden blues are plants.
                       The old shed above adds color and interest
all year long.

                                  I love the tall stately spires of these deep
blue delphiniums.

            Each spring I divide my delphiniums and
      move them around the garden.

                                                     The blue forget me nots are so pretty
                                                      in the spring and are a nice filler in
                                                      the beds with spring bulbs.

                                                      I couldn't resist another lupin
                                                      shot with the evening light and
                                                      the peonies in the background.
                                                          I love this french blue color
                                                          in the garden as it gives a nice
                                                          pop of color.

 When I was looking through my
   photos for blues this one jumped
out at me.....sometimes all you
need is a pretty blue tablecloth
and some blue china amid the 

Blue six hills giant nepeta in
the background can resemble
lavender from a distance.

I painted the old ladder the same
blue as the arbors above.

                                                         A pretty combo of blue lupins,
                                                         and Thor spirea and a Wine & Roses
                         I love clematis in the garden and
                          have several varieties. This one is
   Jackmanni superbra.

        Well, I could probably keep you
              here all day singing the garden blues,
             but the sun is shining and it is time to
                 get out in the garden and see what early
    spring clean up chores I can do.

     Thanks for visiting,
