Friday, February 22, 2019

The Beauty of Winter

                                                               Hello everyone,

                                               Yesterday it snowed pretty much all
                                                day and created a beautiful winter
                                                wonderland. The sun was shining
                                               on the sparking white snow and the
                                                trees had a lovely white coat as well.
                                               So, I was happy to grab my camera
                                                and get out to enjoy the beauty.
                                                  I brought out a warm throw and
                                               a few pillows for the old hammock
                                               in the garden in case you wanted to
                                               take a few moments to relax and enjoy
                                               the beauty of winter.

                                                      I love when we get snow and no
                                                      wind so all the tress are covered.

                                                        Our little Boathouse in winter

                                                 The snow was gently falling from the
                                                  tree where I was standing giving a
                                                  little snowy effect.

                                        This shot was taken in early winter but
                                                 it is one of my favorites so I included
                                                 it again.

                                                  I hope you have a wonderful weekend
                                                  and thanks for visiting me on this beautiful
                                                  winter day here on Prince Edward Island.

                                                                                Take care.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A Pink Afternoon Tea

            Hello everyone,

          It has been another cold week here
       so I am starting to look forward
         to the end of this cold old winter.
         However, a nice cup of tea in the
         sunroom is always a treat as I can
       enjoy the beauty from indoors.

      A pretty tea set always
brings cheer.

A bouquet of tulips

Vintage teacups are ready
for tea.

                                                         The sunroom has a stack
                                                          pink and white china on

  Hope you are having a good week and
thank you for visiting!


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

     Happy Valentine's Day !

       I just popped by to wish you all
a lovely romantic day and
  share some romantic beauty
with you.

                                                            Beautiful romantic roses

Of course we want a few treats
to enjoy.

A pretty teacup for tea.
My favorite teapot
Romantic lace

More pretty teacups

                                                Hope you are having a very special



Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Little Romance

            Hello everyone,

With Valentine's Day coming up soon,
I thought it would be a good time to
share a few soft and romantic
vignettes from the past.

As you probably know I love
all things tea.

Love this really old teapot
and the matching plate.

                                Romantic bouquet of peonies

I seem to have a passion
for pink as well.

           Another beautiful bouquet of
                beautiful peonies with a favorite
       teapot and tea cup.

       A pretty stack of vintage china.

              Biscuits and tea are always
a favorite.

                      Lace and linens make a romantic
setting for lunch.

                  Aqua is another favorite of mine.

You might notice that this
teapot makes a lot
of appearances in February.
It was a Valentine's Day gift
from my husband.

                  Roses always add a romantic touch.

                                                       Hope you have a good week!

                                                                             Thank you for visiting,


Friday, February 1, 2019

Brown Transferware Tea

                     Welcome February,

Winter is moving along as I find that
by February the sun is a little stronger
and you do really start to notice the 
longer hours of daylight.

Today, I am using my brown
and white transferware for
a cosy afternoon tea.

                                                                        I baked some applesauce
                                                                        cinnamon muffins for our
                                                                        tea today.

I bought this teapot a few years ago and
it is a large one so we can enjoy
lots of hot tea.

                                                                  My amaryllis are so pretty and bring
                                                                  a bit of cheer to this gardener's heart.

                                                                  I hope you have a great weekend and
                                                                  stay warm if like us you are having a
                                                                 cold snap. Thankfully, we have had a
                                                                 lot of sunshine through to perk us up.

                                                                                    Thanks for visiting,
