Thursday, March 14, 2019

Garden Relaxation Part 2

                                                                      Hello everyone,

                                                There is a touch of spring in the air here
                                                and with a couple of mild rainy days coming
                                                it should wipe out a lot of snow and I can
                                                soon start looking for signs of life in the garden
                                                    I did this garden vignette for a garden tour
                                                 several years ago .....back then it seemed like
                                                fun to stage these garden settings but it is looking
                                                a bit more like work to me now! Am I getting older
                                                or just smarter???
                                                     Many of you have seen this pic before
                                                     as it is also from several years back.
                                                      I love these old wicker chairs spray painted
                                                     pistachio green. I need to find some more
                                                     of that paint as they need to be freshened up.
                                                       Relax surrounded by phlox
                                                       hydrangeas and roses.

                                                           This is also from a few years back
                                                            on a beautiful June evening.A
                                                            romantic table all set for tea.
                                                       Our little enclosed garden at my
                                                       favorite time of year (June) with
                                                       the Magican Deitiza's in full bloom.
                                                       The white metal chairs always look
                                                       romantic where ever I place them in
                                                       the garden.

Oh! Hammock
better to relax and enjoy
the beauty of nature.

                                                              I love those early foggy
                                                              mornings in the garden.

                                            And once again we have come to
                                                     the end of our garden relaxation
                                                     tour but you can always rest on
                                                     the old iron bed on the screened
                                                     porch for awhile if you would like.

                                                           This year we have given up our
                                                     garden tour business so maybe we
                                                     will have a little more time to relax
                                                     while we figure out what we want to
                                                     do with the future.....looking forward
                                                     to some new adventures!
                                                           However, for now it is back to
                                                      stripping off 3 layers of old wallpaper
                                                       to give a  fresh new look to a small
                                                       bedroom upstairs.....not as much fun
                                                      as gardening but rewarding when it is
                                                      done none the less.

                                                              I hope you enjoyed my garden
                                                              relaxation and once again thank
                                                              you for visiting!



  1. Dear Carolyn, I loved your garden Tour! Thank you for sharing these pics from paradise!

  2. All your pics are lovely and relaxing. It's be nice when flowers appear in the garden.

  3. Thank you for the tour. It brings back memories of years past. I know what you are talking about with moving things to the garden to take photos. I will be 78 in June, and I am trying to get my home organized for the future. I just ordered your book about your cottage by the sea. It will be here in a week. Thank you for your beautiful photos.


  4. You are so right about stripping the wallpaper! No fun at all, but such a nice feeling when it's done! I hope you'll still be sharing lots of virtual garden tours with your camera this spring and summer. I have found a lot of inspiration from your images!

  5. Hi Carolyn, I love stopping by your blog to be inspired by your beautiful garden! I find it brings me peace just to see your lovely photos! Thank you!

  6. You take us to another place in time where everything is so lovely and peaceful. Wish I was there to help strip wallpaper. I have done my share of that in my lifetime and it feels so good when it is done

  7. Me thinks someone is dreaming of summer days! Me too! I always LOVE seeing your wonderful flowers and gardens. I can totally understand letting go of the garden tour business. I was thinking, every time you posted about it, how much work it must be! Keeping up your beautiful gardens and flowers must be a full-time business. I've meant to tell you how much I love your New(ish) header for your blog. Love all the whites and creams. It is so dreamy! I have saved so many of your photos on my Pinterest Boards. A girl can dream can't she? Marilyn

  8. Your garden is heartstopping beautiful. I have followed your blog for several years and I can't even begin to tell you how much of an inspiration you have been to me with my own garden. Due to your influence, my garden was on our towns annual Secret Gardens of Guilford tour. Many of the comments were about all of the unexpected vignettes I placed in several areas - all due to your influence. May the future hold only joy and happiness.

  9. Carolyn, It's just fine with me if you re-share these vignettes from a few years ago -- I enjoy them every bit as much as newer ones. Just throw in a few current garden pictures when you feel like it, and things will still feel au courant. I wish you many opportunities to relax in your beautiful gardens! Best, Beth

  10. I live your beautiful !...happy Ria 🍀💚

  11. Carolyn,your pictures and posts give me inspiration to get going with my projects!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
