Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Welcome Spring

                                                            Hello everyone,

                                               I am happy to say that spring is
                                               officially here and although we
                                               still have some snow and cooler
                                               temperatures some days, we know
                                               that good things are about to happen.

So, I am sharing some spring cheer
from the past.
I love these bright and cheerful
spring colors.
Martha (our cement statue)
presides over some early
spring color in our little
enclosed garden.

    Love those spring garden bouquets.

Cheerful spring bouquets at
Ocean Song Cottage.

An early spring garden tea.

So looking forward to all those beautiful
spring bulbs bursting into bloom

                                        Just a bit of spring cheer to welcome
                                                 in the new season.

                                                                   Happy Spring!



  1. Thank you for posting those Spring lovelies! I'm longing for the smell fresh earth😊

  2. Will you be hosting a garden tour this year and if so when would that be? I live in Ontario but would love to visit PEI again as we have family there but would like to plan it when you have a tour.

    Thank you,


  3. Hi Nancy,
    It is harder to plan this year as we are not doing our Japanese tours this year and hope to relax at our cottage as much as possible and maybe take a little trip ourselves.
    Hopefully, though we will have an open garden around July 6th...give or take a day.
    Sorry, I can't be more exact.

  4. Love all of your enamelware, especially the yellow!

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Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
