Monday, March 11, 2019

Relaxing Garden Spaces Part 1

                                                          Hello everyone,

                                           I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We
                                           changed our clocks ahead here in Canada
                                           this weekend and I love having longer daylight
                                           hours in the evening.Today, we have melting
                                           snow and a promise of spring in the air.
                                            I think many of us have had a long cold
                                          winter this year so spring will be extra special
                                          to us.
                                              I am looking back at some relaxing garden
                                          spaces today. It is important to have pretty garden
                                          benches around the garden so we gardener's can enjoy
                                          the fruits of our labor or visitors can relax and take
                                          in all the beauty. 

                                                 The bench above came from Homesense
                                                 and pretty pillows make it a comfy spot to
                                                 stop and smell the roses. The rose in the
                                                background is Snow Pavement.
                                                        Maybe, you would rather relax in
                                                        a hammock with a glass of lemonade
                                                        and a book while enjoying the peace
                                                        and beauty that surrounds you.

                                                            Another garden bench with lots of
                                                            hydrangeas to enjoy.
                                                          Or maybe, you would like to sit
                                                          on our screened porch and just enjoy
                                                          the view of the garden from here.
                                                And, if you would like a change you can
                                                        always relax by the pond and watch the

                                                       If none of these are to your liking come back
                                                       soon and see if we can't find the perfect spot
                                                       for you to relax in the garden....part 2 coming

                                                                    I am so looking forward to spring
                                                             and summer!

                                                                           Thank you for visiting,



  1. Your pictures are so beautiful. I am wearing a big smile just from enjoying the stroll. Hopefully, spring will arrive before the end of May. It doesn’t look too promising in my corner, but hope lives on...

  2. Your pictures convey the hope of Spring to come. I pick sitting by your pond watching the wildlife. It feels very calm and serene. I'm looking forward to part 2!

  3. How lovely! Sure would love to see your garden in person, but thank you for the virtual visit!

  4. Beautiful photos! One of my favorite things is to sit in the garden and enjoy the beauty. Yours is amazing!!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
